我正在寻找一个文本字段的inputformatter的例子,它将是一个日期mm / dd / yyyy,我正在尝试做的事情,因为用户类型更新格式。例如,用户开始输入mm并输入/,然后在输入/中键入dd时。
任何人都这样做或有一个例子?我用其他语言做过但在flutter / dart中找不到类似的方法。
class _DateFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue
) {
final int newTextLength = newValue.text.length;
int selectionIndex = newValue.selection.end;
int usedSubstringIndex = 0;
final StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer();
if (newTextLength == 2) {
newText.write(newValue.text.substring(0, 2) + '/ ');
if (newValue.selection.end == 3)
if (newTextLength == 5) {
newText.write(newValue.text.substring(0, 5) + '/ ');
if (newValue.selection.end == 6)
selectionIndex += 6;
// Dump the rest.
if (newTextLength >= usedSubstringIndex)
return new TextEditingValue(
text: newText.toString(),
selection: new TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selectionIndex),
答案 0 :(得分:2)
这是基于Jochem Toolenaar回答的改进版本。此版本将自动为您删除正斜杠并将用户限制为8位数字。
class DateTextFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
static const _maxChars = 8;
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
var text = _format(newValue.text, '/');
return newValue.copyWith(text: text, selection: updateCursorPosition(text));
String _format(String value, String seperator) {
value = value.replaceAll(seperator, '');
var newString = '';
for (int i = 0; i < min(value.length, _maxChars); i++) {
newString += value[i];
if ((i == 1 || i == 3) && i != value.length - 1) {
newString += seperator;
return newString;
TextSelection updateCursorPosition(String text) {
return TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: text.length));
答案 1 :(得分:0)
class DateInputTextField extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return _DateInputTextFieldState();
class _DateInputTextFieldState extends State<DateInputTextField> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextField(
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [DateTextFormatter()],
onChanged: (String value) {},
class DateTextFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
//this fixes backspace bug
if (oldValue.text.length >= newValue.text.length) {
return newValue;
var dateText = _addSeperators(newValue.text, '/');
return newValue.copyWith(text: dateText, selection: updateCursorPosition(dateText));
String _addSeperators(String value, String seperator) {
value = value.replaceAll('/', '');
var newString = '';
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
newString += value[i];
if (i == 1) {
newString += seperator;
if (i == 3) {
newString += seperator;
return newString;
TextSelection updateCursorPosition(String text) {
return TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: text.length));
答案 2 :(得分:0)
class DateFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue
) {
final int newTextLength = newValue.text.length;
int selectionIndex = newValue.selection.end;
int usedSubstringIndex = 0;
final StringBuffer newText = StringBuffer();
if (newTextLength >= 3) {
newText.write(newValue.text.substring(0, usedSubstringIndex = 2) + '/');
if (newValue.selection.end >= 2)
if (newTextLength >= 5) {
newText.write(newValue.text.substring(2, usedSubstringIndex = 4) + '/');
if (newValue.selection.end >= 4)
// Dump the rest.
if (newTextLength >= usedSubstringIndex)
return TextEditingValue(`enter code here`
text: newText.toString(),
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selectionIndex),