泰勒系列的这段代码对于n = 1或者除了0以外的任何东西都不起作用。为什么?

时间:2017-11-20 22:11:24

标签: c cosine taylor-series


今天,我试图通过使用泰勒系列来找到余弦的近似值。当我把n = 0时,我的代码给出了正确的结果1.但是当我把n = 1或其他任何东西时,我的代码没有给出正确的结果。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float xnot = atof(argv[1]);
    float n = atof(argv[2]);
    float cosine = cos(xnot*(3.14159265/180));
    float result;
    printf("%.4f\n", cosine);
    float min;

    float d, c, b;
    c = 1;
    d = 2 * n; 
    for(b = 1; b <= d; b++){
        c = c * b; /*value of the factorial is in c*/
    c = c;
    float power;
    power = pow((-1), n);
    xnot = pow(xnot, 2*n);

    for(min = 0; min <= n; min++)

        result += ((power * xnot) / c);
    printf("%.4f", result);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在实施泰勒系列时,您必须重新计算每个'n'值的术语值。在这里,您似乎已经为-1^n的最大值计算了xnot(作为n)的值,然后您只需将该值乘以每次迭代。那是错的。对于x^2n / (2n)!的值也是如此 - 在递增时,您必须为n的每个值重新计算此值,然后对值进行求和。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


int n = atoi(argv[2]);  // n is an integer
float result = 1;  // The first term (n=0) gives 1

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)   // Start the loop from 1
    float d, c, b;
    c = 1;
    d = 2 * i;     // Use i instead of n
    for(b = 1; b <= d; b++){
        c = c * b; /*value of the factorial is in c*/
    float power;
    power = pow((-1), i);    // Use i instead of n
    xnot = pow(xnot, 2*i);   // Use i instead of n

    result += ((power * xnot) / c);

代码可以进行优化 - 无论是性能还是精度 - 但正如我已经说明的那样,我试着让它与原始代码保持接近。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


#define TSLIM 20    /* Series Limit (no. of terms) */
/** cos with taylor series expansion to n = TSLIM
 *  (no function reliance, quadrants handled)
double cosenfq (const double deg)
    double fp = deg - (int64_t)deg, /* save fractional part of deg */
        qdeg = (int64_t)deg % 360,  /* get equivalent 0-359 deg angle */
        rad, cose_deg = 1.0;        /* radians, cose_deg */
    int pos_quad = 1,               /* positive quadrant flag 1,4  */
        sign = -1;                  /* taylor series term sign */

    qdeg += fp;                     /* add fractional part back to angle */

    /* get equivalent 0-90 degree angle, set pos_quad flag */
    if (90 < qdeg && qdeg <= 180) {         /* in 2nd quadrant */
        qdeg = 180 - qdeg;
        pos_quad = 0;
    else if (180 < qdeg && qdeg <= 270) {   /* in 3rd quadrant */
        qdeg = qdeg - 180;
        pos_quad = 0;
    else if (270 < qdeg && qdeg <= 360)     /* in 4th quadrant */
        qdeg = 360 - qdeg;

    rad = qdeg * M_PI / 180.0;      /* convert to radians */

    /* compute Taylor-Series expansion for sine for TSLIM / 2 terms */
    for (int n = 2; n < TSLIM; n += 2, sign *= -1) {
        double p = rad;
        uint64_t f = n;

        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)     /* pow */
            p *= rad;

        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)     /* nfact */
            f *= i;

        cose_deg += sign * p / f;       /* Taylor-series term */

    return pos_quad ? cose_deg : -cose_deg;

如果有20个字词的限制,则最大误差约为1.2E-15(与math.h cos()相比)