如何使用PHP中的Horde IMAP Client提取电子邮件附件

时间:2017-11-20 14:51:55

标签: php imap email-attachments horde

我正在使用Horde IMAP客户端从IMAP服务器获取电子邮件。到目前为止,我可以进行身份​​验证,连接邮箱,下载和解析电子邮件。


我试过在网上搜索但网上没有关于如何使用Horde IMAP Client的信息太多,他们的文档根本没用。




    // Init
    echo '<pre>';

    // Function:  Returns a comma-separated list of names and email addresses from a Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List object
    function get_parties($addresses) {
        $parties = [];

        foreach($addresses as $address){
            $name = trim($address->personal, "'") ;
            $email = $address->bare_address;
            $parties[] = $name ? "$name ($email)" : $email;

        return implode(', ', $parties);

    // Connect to IMAP
    try {
        $client = new Horde_Imap_Client_Socket(array(
            'username'  => 'my@email.com',
            'password'  => 'S0m3PASS',
            'hostspec'  => 'mygreat.webhost.com',
            'port'      => '143',
            'secure'    => 'tls'

    // Failed to connect
    catch (Horde_Imap_Client_Exception $e) {
        echo "<H1>ERROR!!</H1>";

    // Search for messages in the Inbox
    $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Query();
    $results = $client->search('INBOX', $query);

    // Loop over each email found
    foreach($results['match'] as $match) {
        $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();

        $uid =          new Horde_Imap_Client_Ids($match);
        $list =         $client->fetch('INBOX', $query, array('ids' => $uid));
        $envelope =     $list->first()->getEnvelope();
        $subject =      $envelope->subject;
        $from =         get_parties($envelope->from);
        $to =           get_parties($envelope->to);
        $cc =           get_parties($envelope->cc);
        $timestamp =    $envelope->date->getTimestamp();
        $bst =          date('I', $timestamp) * 3600;
        $date =         gmdate('d/m/Y H:i', $timestamp + $bst);     // If no date is specified in the email header, it will default to now
        $part =         $list->first()->getStructure();
        $id =           $part->findBody();
        $body =         $part->getPart($id);

        // Output the envelope details
        echo    "<h1>$date</h1>" .
                "<h1>From: $from</h1>" .
                "<h1>To: $to</h1>" .
                ($cc ? "<h1>CC: $cc</h1>" : '') .

        // Get the message
        $query2 = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();
        $query2->bodyPart($id, array(
            'decode' => true,
            'peek' => true

        $list2 = $client->fetch('INBOX', $query2, array(
            'ids' => $uid

        $message2 = $list2->first();
        $text = $message2->getBodyPart($id);
        echo $text = $body->getContents();

        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<H1>ENVELOPE</H1>';

        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<H1>STRUCTURE</H1>';

        echo '<hr>';

    echo '</pre>';


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

基于this example,我对您的代码进行了如下修改:

<!DOCTYPE html>

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

class ImapClient {
    protected $mailbox = '';
    protected $client  = null;
    protected $params  = array();

    public function __construct(array $params) {
        $this->params  = $params;

    public function login() {
        $this->client = new Horde_Imap_Client_Socket($this->params);

    public function logout() {
        if ($this->client) {
        $this->client = null;

    public function get_messages($mailbox) {
        $this->mailbox = $mailbox;

        $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Query();
        $results = $this->client->search($this->mailbox, $query);

        $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();

        return $this->client->fetch($this->mailbox, $query, array('ids' => $results['match']));

    public function parse_message_envelope(Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch $message) {
        $envelope = $message->getEnvelope();

        $msghdr = new StdClass;
        $msghdr->recipients = $envelope->to->bare_addresses;
        $msghdr->senders    = $envelope->from->bare_addresses;
        $msghdr->cc         = $envelope->cc->bare_addresses;
        $msghdr->subject    = $envelope->subject;
        $msghdr->timestamp  = $envelope->date->getTimestamp();
        return $msghdr;

    public function parse_message_parts(Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch $message) {
        // We need the structure at various points below.
        $structure = $message->getStructure();

        // Now fetch the rest of the message content.
        $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();

        // Fetch all of the message parts too.
        $typemap = $structure->contentTypeMap();
        foreach ($typemap as $part => $type) {
            // The body of the part - attempt to decode it on the server.
            $query->bodyPart($part, array(
                'decode' => true,
                'peek' => true,

        $id = new Horde_Imap_Client_Ids($message->getUid());
        $messagedata = $this->client->fetch($this->mailbox, $query, array('ids' => $id))->first();

        // Store the data for this message.
        $msgdata = new StdClass;
        $msgdata->id = $message->getUid();
        $msgdata->contentplain = '';
        $msgdata->contenthtml  = '';
        $msgdata->attachments  = array(
            'inline'     => array(),
            'attachment' => array(),

        $plainpartid = $structure->findBody('plain');
        $htmlpartid  = $structure->findBody('html');

        foreach ($typemap as $part => $type) {
            // Get the message data from the body part, and combine it with the structure to give a fully-formed output.
            $stream = $messagedata->getBodyPart($part, true);
            $partdata = $structure->getPart($part);
            $partdata->setContents($stream, array('usestream' => true));
            if ($part == $plainpartid) {
                $msgdata->contentplain = $partdata->getContents();
            } else if ($part == $htmlpartid) {
                $msgdata->contenthtml = $partdata->getContents();
            } else if ($filename = $partdata->getName($part)) {
                $disposition = $partdata->getDisposition();
                $disposition = ($disposition == 'inline') ? 'inline' : 'attachment';
                $attachment = new StdClass;
                $attachment->name    = $filename;
                $attachment->type    = $partdata->getType();
                $attachment->content = $partdata->getContents();
                $attachment->size    = strlen($attachment->content);
                $msgdata->attachments[$disposition][] = $attachment;
        return $msgdata;

$params = array(
    'username'  => 'my@email.com',
    'password'  => 'S0m3PASS',
    'hostspec'  => 'mygreat.webhost.com',
    'port'      => '143',
    'secure'    => 'tls'    
$client = new ImapClient($params);

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {

// Retrieve the messages
$messages = $client->get_messages('INBOX');
printf("Found %d messages\n", $messages->count());

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    $hdr  = $client->parse_message_envelope($message);

    printf("\nDate: %s\n", date('d/m/Y H:i:s', $hdr->timestamp));
    printf("From: %s\n", implode(',', $hdr->senders));
    printf("To: %s\n", implode(',', $hdr->recipients));
    if (count($hdr->cc)) printf("Cc: %s\n", implode(',', $hdr->cc));
    printf("Subject: %s\n", $hdr->subject);

    $body = $client->parse_message_parts($message);

    //printf("Plain Body: %s\n", $body->contentplain);
    //printf("HTML Body: %s\n", $body->contenthtml);

    foreach ($body->attachments as $type => $attachments) {
        if (count($attachments)) {
            foreach ($attachments as $nr => $attachment) {
                printf("\n** %s #%d **\n", UCFirst($type), $nr);
                printf("\tName: %s\n", $attachment->name);
                printf("\tType: %s\n", $attachment->type);
                printf("\tSize: %d\n", $attachment->size);
              //printf("\tContent: %s\n", base64_encode($attachment->content));

