我们正在尝试将安全网API添加到我们的应用中。 当我们在真实设备上进行测试时,一切正常,但是在仿真器上进行测试时,安全网服务器没有响应。 API的目的是检测模拟设备,因此不知道为什么它不能在模拟器上工作。
SafetyNet.getClient(activity).attest(getRequestNonce(nonceData), "<Key-here>").addOnSuccessListener(activity, new OnSuccessListener() {
public void onSuccess(AttestationResponse response) {
String[] jwtParts = response.getJwsResult().split("\\.");
if(jwtParts.length == 3) {
String sharedpreferences = new String(Base64.decode(jwtParts[1], 0));
SharedPreferences editor = context.getSharedPreferences("DecodedPayload", 0);
Editor editor1 = editor.edit();
editor1.putString("decodedPayload", sharedpreferences);
Log.d("ContentValues", "The Safety net response is: " + sharedpreferences);
} else {
SharedPreferences sharedpreferences1 = context.getSharedPreferences("DecodedPayload", 0);
Editor editor2 = sharedpreferences1.edit();
editor2.putString("decodedPayload", "CND");
Log.d("ContentValues", "The safety net response could not be decoded");
}).addOnFailureListener(activity, new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
if(e instanceof ApiException) {
ApiException apiException = (ApiException)e;
Log.d("ContentValues", "Error while fetching safety net result: " + ((ApiException)e).getStatusCode() + " " + ((ApiException)e).getStatusMessage());
SharedPreferences sharedpreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("DecodedPayload", 0);
Editor editor = sharedpreferences.edit();
editor.putString("decodedPayload", "ERR");
Log.d("ContentValues", "The safety net response could not be decoded");
} else {
Log.d("ContentValues", "Unknown Error while fetching safety net results: " + e.getMessage());
即使在等待30秒之后,所有处理程序都没有得到响应。 有人可以帮忙吗。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您运行的模拟器很可能没有安装Google Play服务。由于Google Play服务部门负责实施证明,因此Attestation只会在没有Google Play服务的设备上工作。
使用Attestation或任何其他Google Play服务API时,您应该check that Google Play Services is installed, and is at a version that you need (optimally, you should check that it's at the latest version)。
从历史上看,官方AVD图像不包括Google Play服务,您可以在技术上将其加载。但是,2017年4月左右,there are now official AVD images that include Play Store(以及Google Play服务)。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是一个较晚的响应,但也许将来有人需要。 尝试使用SafetyNet附带的其他侦听器,即使SafetyNet返回成功,所有完成的侦听器都不会响应。 另外,您还可以在Android Device Verification API信息中心的Google Cloud Platform中检查api调用以及成功,失败情况。
SafetyNet.getClient(this).attest(generateOneTimeRequestNonce(), "API_KEY")
.addOnFailureListener { e ->
Log.i(TAG, "SafetyNet callback fail")
.addOnSuccessListener { resp ->
Log.i(TAG, "SafetyNet callback success")
val response = parseJsonWebSignature(resp.jwsResult)!!
when {
response.isCtsProfileMatch -> {
//profile of the device running your app matches the profile of a device that has passed Android compatibility testing.
response.isBasicIntegrity -> {
//then the device running your app likely wasn't tampered with, but the device has not necessarily passed Android compatibility testing.
else -> {
//handle fail, maybe warn user device is unsupported or in compromised state? (this is up to you!)