# Client to implement simplified RSA algorithm.
# The client says hello to the server, and the server responds with a Hello
# and its public key. The client then sends a session key encrypted with the
# server's public key. The server responds to this message with a nonce
# encrypted with the server's public key. The client decrypts the nonce
# and sends it back to the server encrypted with the session key. Next,
# the server sends the client a message with a status code. If the status code
# is "250" then the client can ask for the server to roll the dice. Otherwise,
# the client's connection to the server will be terminated.
import socket
import math
import random
import sys
import time
import simplified_AES
def expMod(b,n,m):
"""Computes the modular exponent of a number returns (b^n mod m)"""
if n==0:
return 1
elif n%2==0:
return expMod((b*b)%m, n/2, m)
def RSAencrypt(m, e, n):
"""Encryption side of RSA"""
return expMod(m,e,n) ## Add code to encrypt. You _must_ use the expMod method.
##return 3
def RSAdecrypt(c, d, n):
"""Decryption side of RSA"""
return expMod(c,d,n) ## Add code to decrypt. You _must_ use the expMod method.
def serverHello():
"""Sends server hello message"""
status = "100 Hello"
return status
def sendSessionKey(s):
"""Sends server session key"""
status = "110 SessionKey " + str(s)
return status
def sendTransformedNonce(xform):
"""Sends server nonce encrypted with session key"""
status = "130 Transformed Nonce " + str(xform)
return status
def computeSessionKey():
"""Computes this node's session key"""
sessionKey = random.randint(1, 65536)
return sessionKey
def serverHello():
"""Generates server hello message"""
status = "100 Hello"
return status
def RollDice():
"""Generates message to get server to roll some or all dice."""
toRoll = input('Enter dice to roll separated by commas: ')
status = "200 Roll Dice " + str(toRoll)
return status
# s = socket
# msg = initial message being processed
# state = dictionary containing state variables
def processMsgs(s, msg, state):
"""This function processes messages that are read through the socket. It
returns a status, which is an integer indicating whether the operation
was successful"""
status = -2
rcvr_mod = int(state['modulus']) # Receiver's modulus for RSA
rcvr_exp = int(state['pub_exp']) # Receiver's public exponent
symmetricKey = int(state['SymmetricKey']) # shared symmetric key
rolls = int(state['Rolls']) # Number of dice rolls used
strTest = "101 Hello "
if (strTest in msg and status==-2):
print("Message received: "+ msg)
RcvdStr = msg.split(' ')
rcvr_mod = int(RcvdStr[2]) # Modulus for public key encryption
rcvr_exp = int(RcvdStr[3]) # Exponent for public key encryption
print("Server's public key: ("+ str(rcvr_mod)+","+str(rcvr_exp)+")")
symmetricKey = computeSessionKey()
## Add code to handle the case where the symmetricKey is
## greater than the modulus.
symmetricKey = computeSessionKey()
print("Symmetric Key: ",symmetricKey)
encSymmKey = RSAencrypt(symmetricKey,rcvr_exp,rcvr_mod)
print("Encrypted Symmetric Key: ",encSymmKey)
msg = sendSessionKey(encSymmKey)
state['modulus'] = rcvr_mod
state['pub_exp'] = rcvr_exp
state['SymmetricKey'] = symmetricKey
status = 1
strNonce = "120 Nonce"
if (strNonce in msg and status==-2):
print("Message received: " + msg)
RcvdStr = msg.split(' ')
encNonce = int(RcvdStr[2])
nonce = RSAdecrypt(encNonce,rcvr_exp,rcvr_mod)
"""Setting up for Simplified AES encryption"""
plaintext = nonce
simplified_AES.keyExp(symmetricKey) # Generating round keys for AES.
ciphertext = simplified_AES.encrypt(plaintext) # Running simplified AES.
msg = sendTransformedNonce(ciphertext)
status = 1
strDiceRoll = "205 Roll Dice ACK"
if (strDiceRoll in msg and status==-2):
print("Message received: " + msg)
DiceValues = msg[18:].split(',')
if rolls < 2:
WantstoRollMore = input("Do you wish to roll more dice? (y/n): ")
if WantstoRollMore=='y':
msg = RollDice()
rolls += 1
status = 1
status = 0
status = 0
state['Rolls'] = rolls
strSuccess = "250 OK"
strFailure = "400 Error"
if (strFailure in msg and status==-2):
print("Message received: " + str(msg))
status = 0 # To terminate loop at client
if (strSuccess in msg and status==-2):
print("Cryptographic checks completed successfully")
if rolls ==0:
msg = "200 Roll Dice"
msg = RollDice()
rolls += 1
status = 1
if status==-2:
print("Incoming message was not processed. \r\n Terminating")
status = -1
return status
def main():
"""Driver function for the project"""
args = sys.argv
if len(args) != 3:
print ("Please supply a server address and port.")
serverHost = str(args[1]) # The remote host
serverPort = int(args[2]) # The same port as used by the server
print("Client of Aaron")
The dice in this program are numbered from 0--4.
No error checking is done, so ensure that the dice numbers are correct.
If you do not want to enter any dice, simply hit the enter key.
# Bogus values that will be overwritten with values read from the socket.
sndr_exp = 3
sndr_mod = 60769
symmKey = 32767
rolls = 0
state = {'modulus': sndr_mod, 'pub_exp': sndr_exp, 'SymmetricKey': symmKey,
'Rolls': rolls }
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((serverHost, serverPort))
msg = serverHello()
status = 1
while (status==1):
msg = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
if not msg:
status = -1
status = processMsgs(s, msg, state)
if status < 0:
print("Invalid data received. Closing")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Server to implement simplified RSA algorithm.
# The server waits for the client to say Hello. Once the client says hello,
# the server sends the client a public key. The client uses the public key to
# send a session key with confidentiality to the server. The server then sends
# a nonce (number used once) to the client, encrypted with the server's private
# key. The client decrypts that nonce and sends it back to server encrypted
# with the session key. Next, the server sends the client a message with a
# status code. If the status code is "250" then the client can ask for the
# server to roll the dice. Otherwise, the server's connection to the client
# will be terminated.
# Author: 620098870 2017-11-09
import socket
import random
import math
import hashlib
import time
import sys
import simplified_AES
def expMod(b,n,m):
"""Computes the modular exponent of a number"""
"""returns (b^n mod m)"""
if n==0:
return 1
elif n%2==0:
return expMod((b*b)%m, n/2, m)
def RSAencrypt(m, e, n):
"""Encryption side of RSA"""
return expMod(m,e,n) ## Add code here to do encryption
def RSAdecrypt(c, d, n):
"""Decryption side of RSA"""
return expMod(c,d,n) ## Add code here to do decryption
def gcd(u, v):
"""Iterative Euclidean algorithm"""
while v !=0:
u, v = v, u % v
return abs(u)
## Write code to compute the gcd of two integers
def ext_Euclid(m,n):
"""Extended Euclidean algorithm"""
## Write code to implement the Extended Euclidean algorithm. See Tutorial 7
## This method should return the multiplicative inverse of n mod m.
## i.e., (n*n^(-1) mod m = 1
## If this method returns a negative number add m to that number until
## it becomes positive.
(b1,b2,b3) = (0,1,n) ## i.e., (n*e^(-1) mod m =1
while True:
if b3 ==0:
return a3
if b3 == 1:
b2 = ((n**1)%m)
return b2
(t1,t2,t3) = (a1-q*b1,a2-q*b2,a3-q*b3)
(a1,a2,a3) = (b1,b2,b3)
(b1,b2,b3)=(t1,t2,t3) ## it becomes possitve
def generateNonce():
"""This method returns a 16-bit random integer derived from hashing the
current time. This is used to test for liveness"""
hash = hashlib.sha1()
return int.from_bytes(hash.digest()[:2], byteorder=sys.byteorder)
def findE(phi, p, q):
"""Method to find e given phi, p, and q"""
"""while loop to increment e until it is relatively prime to phi"""
## Add code to find e given phi, p, and q
while (gcd(e,phi)!=1):
return e
def findE(phi):
"""Method to randomly choose a good e given phi"""
e = random.randint(1, phi)
return e
def genKeys(p, q):
"""Generate n, phi(n), e, and d."""
n = p*q ## Complete this
phi = (p-1) * (q-1)## Complete this
e = findE(phi)## Complete this
d = ext_Euclid(phi,e)## Complete this
if (d<0):
d += phi
print ("n = "+ str(n))
print ("phi(n) = "+ str(phi))
print ("e = "+ str(e))
print ("d = "+ str(d))
return n, e, d
def clientHelloResp(n, e):
"""Responds to client's hello message with modulus and exponent"""
status = "101 Hello "+ str(n) + " " + str(e)
return status
def SessionKeyResp(nonce):
"""Responds to session key with nonce"""
status = "120 Nonce "+ str(nonce)
return status
def nonceVerification(nonce, decryptedNonce):
"""Verifies that the transmitted nonce matches that received
from the client."""
if (nonce == decryptedNonce):
status = "250 OK"
status = "400 Error"
return status
def clientHello():
"""Generates client hello message"""
status = "100 Hello"
return status
def rollDice(dice, toRoll=[0,1,2,3,4]):
"""Rolls specified dice. If no dice are specified, all dice are rolled."""
for i in toRoll:
dice[i] = random.randint(1,6)
def RollDiceACK(dice):
"""Generates message with dice values"""
strDice = ','.join([str(x) for x in dice])
status = "205 Roll Dice ACK " + strDice
return status
# s = socket
# msg = initial message being processed
# state = dictionary containing state variables
def processMsgs(s, msg, state):
"""This function processes messages that are read through the socket. It
returns a status, which is an integer indicating whether the operation
was successful"""
status = -2
modulus = int(state['modulus']) # modulus = modulus for RSA
pub_exp = int(state['pub_exp']) # pub_exp = public exponent
priv_exp = int(state['priv_exp']) # priv_exp = secret key
challenge = int(state['nonce']) # challenge = nonce sent to client
SymmKey = int(state['SymmetricKey']) # SymmKey = shared symmetric key
rolls = int(state['Rolls']) # rolls = number of dice rolls
dice = state['Dice'] # Dice = values of dice
dice = list(map(int,dice)) # Converting dice values to ints
strTest = "100 Hello"
if strTest in msg and status == -2:
print("Message received: " + msg)
msg = clientHelloResp(modulus, pub_exp)
status = 1
strSessionKey = "110 SessionKey"
if strSessionKey in msg and status == -2:
print("Message received: "+ msg)
RcvdStr = msg.split(' ')
encSymmKey = int(RcvdStr[2])
SymmKey = RSAdecrypt(encSymmKey,pub_exp,modulus)## Add code to decrypt symmetric key
state['SymmetricKey'] = SymmKey
# The next line generates the round keys for simplified AES
challenge = generateNonce()
# Add code to ensure that the challenge can always be encrypted
challenge = RSAencrypt(challenge,pub_exp,modulus)
print('Challenge: ' + str(challenge)) # correctly with RSA.
state['nonce'] = challenge
msg = SessionKeyResp(RSAdecrypt(challenge, pub_exp, modulus))
s.sendall(bytes(msg, 'utf-8'))
status = 1
strSessionKeyResp = "130 Transformed Nonce"
if strSessionKeyResp in msg and status == -2:
print("Message received: " + msg)
RcvdStr = msg[22:]
encryptedChallenge = int(RcvdStr)
# The next line runs AES decryption to retrieve the key.
decryptedChallenge = simplified_AES.decrypt(encryptedChallenge)
msg = nonceVerification(challenge, decryptedChallenge)
status = 1
strDiceRollResp = "200 Roll Dice"
if strDiceRollResp in msg and status == -2:
print("Message received: " + msg)
RcvdStr = msg[14:]
if (len(RcvdStr)>0):
RcvdStrParams = RcvdStr.split(',')
toRoll = list(map(int,RcvdStrParams))
rollDice(dice, toRoll)
if (rolls<3):
status = 1
status = 0
rolls += 1
state['Dice'] = dice
state['Rolls'] = rolls
msg = RollDiceACK(dice)
# status can only be -2 if none of the other branches were followed
if status==-2:
print("Incoming message was not processed. \r\n Terminating")
status = -1
return status
def main():
"""Driver function for the project"""
args = sys.argv
if len(args) != 2:
print ("Please supply a server port.")
HOST = '' # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
PORT = int(args[1]) # The port on which the server is listening
if PORT < 1023 or PORT > 65535:
print("Invalid port specified.")
print ("Enter prime numbers. One should be between 907 and 1013, and\
the other between 53 and 67")
p = int(input('Enter P : '))
q = int(input('Enter Q: '))
n, e, d = genKeys(p, q)
SymmKey = 1013 # Initializing symmetric key with a bogus value.
nonce = generateNonce()
dice = [random.randint(1,6), random.randint(1,6), random.randint(1,6),
rolls = 0
state = {'nonce': nonce, 'modulus': n, 'pub_exp': e, 'priv_exp': d,
'SymmetricKey': SymmKey, 'Rolls': rolls, 'Dice': dice}
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
with conn:
print('Connected by', addr)
status = 1
while (status==1):
msg = conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
if not msg:
status = -1
status = processMsgs(conn, msg, state)
if status < 0:
print("Invalid data received. Closing")
print("Closed connection socket")
if __name__ == "__main__":