
时间:2017-11-19 05:01:12

标签: javascript html



let currentScore = document.getElementById('currentScore').value = score;



  <body onload ="checkScore">
            <p><span style="color:red">Your</span> <span style="color:orange">current</span> <span style="color:gold">High</span> <span style="color:green">Score</span> <span style="color:blue">is:</span>
            <span id="SCORES" style="color:purple">0</span>
            <input id="currentScore" type="hidden"> 
    var cookie;

              function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
                  var d = new Date();
                  d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*365*7*24*60*60*1000));
                  var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();
                  cookie = encodeURI(cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/");

              function getCookie(cname) {
                  var name = cname + "=";
                  var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(cookie);
                  var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
                  for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
                      var c = ca[i];
                      while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                          c = c.substring(1);
                      if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
                          return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
                  return "";

              function checkScore() {
                // get current score
                let currentScore = document.getElementById('currentScore').value;

                //get high score from the "cookie"
                let highScore = getCookie('highscore');

                // if current score is bigger then high score - set new high score and update cookie
                if (highScore < currentScore) {
                  highScore = currentScore;
                  setCookie("highscore", highScore, 365);

                // update DOM
                document.getElementById("SCORES").innerHTML = highScore;

              // set inital cookie for this example to work
              setCookie("highscore", -1, 365);
  	COLS = 26,
  	ROWS = 26,
  	EMPTY = 0,
  	SNAKE = 1,
  	FRUIT = 2,
  	LEFT  = 0,
  	UP    = 1,
  	RIGHT = 2,
  	DOWN  = 3,
  	KEY_LEFT  = 65,
  	KEY_UP    = 87,
  	KEY_RIGHT = 68,
  	KEY_DOWN  = 83,

  	grid = {
  		width: null,
  		height: null,
  		_grid: null,
  		init: function(d, c, r) {
  			this.width = c;
  			this.height = r;
  			this._grid = [];
  			for (var x=0; x < c; x++) {
  				for (var y=0; y < r; y++) {
  		set: function(val, x, y) {
  			this._grid[x][y] = val;
  		get: function(x, y) {
  			return this._grid[x][y];
  	snake = {
  		direction: null,
  		last: null,
  		_queue: null,
  		init: function(d, x, y) {
  			this.direction = d;
  			this._queue = [];
  			this.insert(x, y);
  		insert: function(x, y) {
  			this._queue.unshift({x:x, y:y});
  			this.last = this._queue[0];
  		remove: function() {
  			return this._queue.pop();
  	function setFood() {
  		var empty = [];
  		for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) {
  			for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) {
  				if (grid.get(x, y) === EMPTY) {
  					empty.push({x:x, y:y});
  		var randpos = empty[Math.round(Math.random()*(empty.length - 1))];
  		grid.set(FRUIT, randpos.x, randpos.y);
  	function main() {
  		canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  		canvas.width = COLS*20;
  		canvas.height = ROWS*20;
  		ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  		ctx.font = "18px Helvetica";
  		frames = 0;
  		keystate = {};
  		document.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) {
  			keystate[evt.keyCode] = true;
  		document.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) {
  			delete keystate[evt.keyCode];
  	function init() {
  		score = 0;
        currentScore = 0;
  		grid.init(EMPTY, COLS, ROWS);
  		var sp = {x:Math.floor(COLS/2), y:ROWS-1};
  		snake.init(UP, sp.x, sp.y);
  		grid.set(SNAKE, sp.x, sp.y);
  	function loop() {
  		window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
  	function update() {
  		if (keystate[KEY_LEFT] && snake.direction !== RIGHT) {
  			snake.direction = LEFT;
  		if (keystate[KEY_UP] && snake.direction !== DOWN) {
  			snake.direction = UP;
  		if (keystate[KEY_RIGHT] && snake.direction !== LEFT) {
  			snake.direction = RIGHT;
  		if (keystate[KEY_DOWN] && snake.direction !== UP) {
  			snake.direction = DOWN;
  		if (frames%5 === 0) {
  			var nx = snake.last.x;
  			var ny = snake.last.y;
  			switch (snake.direction) {
  				case LEFT:
  				case UP:
  				case RIGHT:
  				case DOWN:
  			if (0 > nx || nx > grid.width-1  ||
  				0 > ny || ny > grid.height-1 ||
  				grid.get(nx, ny) === SNAKE
  			) {
  				return init();
  			if (grid.get(nx, ny) === FRUIT) {
                let currentScore = document.getElementById('currentScore').value = score;
  			} else {
  				var tail = snake.remove();
  				grid.set(EMPTY, tail.x, tail.y);
  			grid.set(SNAKE, nx, ny);
  			snake.insert(nx, ny);
  	function draw() {
  		var tw = canvas.width/grid.width;
  		var th = canvas.height/grid.height;
  		for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) {
  			for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) {
  				switch (grid.get(x, y)) {
  					case EMPTY:
  						ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
  					case SNAKE:
  						ctx.fillStyle = "#4aa024";
  					case FRUIT:
  						ctx.fillStyle = "#f00";
  				ctx.fillRect(x*tw, y*th, tw, th);
  		ctx.fillStyle = "#49c2ff";
  		ctx.fillText("SCORE: " + score, 10, canvas.height-10);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我不确定为什么要更新document.getElementById('currentScore')输入它是一个隐藏的输入。我将所有document.getElementById('SCORES')选择器更改为<html> <head> </head> <body onload ="checkScore"> <script> </script> <p><span style="color:red">Your</span> <span style="color:orange">current</span> <span style="color:gold">High</span> <span style="color:green">Score</span> <span style="color:blue">is:</span> <span id="SCORES" style="color:purple">0</span> <input id="currentScore" type="hidden"> <script> var cookie; function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*365*7*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString(); cookie = encodeURI(cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"); } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } function checkScore() { // get current score let currentScore = parseInt(document.getElementById('SCORES').innerHTML); //get high score from the "cookie" let highScore = getCookie('highscore'); // if current score is bigger then high score - set new high score and update cookie if (highScore < currentScore) { highScore = currentScore; setCookie("highscore", highScore, 365); } // update DOM document.getElementById("SCORES").innerHTML = highScore; } // set inital cookie for this example to work setCookie("highscore", -1, 365); var COLS = 26, ROWS = 26, EMPTY = 0, SNAKE = 1, FRUIT = 2, LEFT = 0, UP = 1, RIGHT = 2, DOWN = 3, KEY_LEFT = 65, KEY_UP = 87, KEY_RIGHT = 68, KEY_DOWN = 83, canvas, ctx, keystate, frames, score; currentScore; grid = { width: null, height: null, _grid: null, init: function(d, c, r) { this.width = c; this.height = r; this._grid = []; for (var x=0; x < c; x++) { this._grid.push([]); for (var y=0; y < r; y++) { this._grid[x].push(d); } } }, set: function(val, x, y) { this._grid[x][y] = val; }, get: function(x, y) { return this._grid[x][y]; } } snake = { direction: null, last: null, _queue: null, init: function(d, x, y) { this.direction = d; this._queue = []; this.insert(x, y); }, insert: function(x, y) { this._queue.unshift({x:x, y:y}); this.last = this._queue[0]; }, remove: function() { return this._queue.pop(); } }; function setFood() { var empty = []; for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) { for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) { if (grid.get(x, y) === EMPTY) { empty.push({x:x, y:y}); } } } var randpos = empty[Math.round(Math.random()*(empty.length - 1))]; grid.set(FRUIT, randpos.x, randpos.y); } function main() { canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = COLS*20; canvas.height = ROWS*20; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); document.body.appendChild(canvas); ctx.font = "18px Helvetica"; frames = 0; keystate = {}; document.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { keystate[evt.keyCode] = true; }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) { delete keystate[evt.keyCode]; }); init(); loop(); } function init() { score = 0; currentScore = 0; grid.init(EMPTY, COLS, ROWS); var sp = {x:Math.floor(COLS/2), y:ROWS-1}; snake.init(UP, sp.x, sp.y); grid.set(SNAKE, sp.x, sp.y); setFood(); } function loop() { update(); draw(); window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); } function update() { frames++; if (keystate[KEY_LEFT] && snake.direction !== RIGHT) { snake.direction = LEFT; } if (keystate[KEY_UP] && snake.direction !== DOWN) { snake.direction = UP; } if (keystate[KEY_RIGHT] && snake.direction !== LEFT) { snake.direction = RIGHT; } if (keystate[KEY_DOWN] && snake.direction !== UP) { snake.direction = DOWN; } if (frames%5 === 0) { var nx = snake.last.x; var ny = snake.last.y; switch (snake.direction) { case LEFT: nx--; break; case UP: ny--; break; case RIGHT: nx++; break; case DOWN: ny++; break; } if (0 > nx || nx > grid.width-1 || 0 > ny || ny > grid.height-1 || grid.get(nx, ny) === SNAKE ) { return init(); } if (grid.get(nx, ny) === FRUIT) { score++; let currentScore = document.getElementById('SCORES').innerHTML = score; checkScore(); setFood(); } else { var tail = snake.remove(); grid.set(EMPTY, tail.x, tail.y); } grid.set(SNAKE, nx, ny); snake.insert(nx, ny); } } function draw() { var tw = canvas.width/grid.width; var th = canvas.height/grid.height; for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) { for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) { switch (grid.get(x, y)) { case EMPTY: ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; break; case SNAKE: ctx.fillStyle = "#4aa024"; break; case FRUIT: ctx.fillStyle = "#f00"; break; } ctx.fillRect(x*tw, y*th, tw, th); } } ctx.fillStyle = "#49c2ff"; ctx.fillText("SCORE: " + score, 10, canvas.height-10); } main(); </script> </body> </html>,因为span是您实际显示高分的位置。


baseline <- c(88, 29, 50, 91)
dAC <- c(78, 26, 64, 90)
InterReg <- c(30, 66, 54, 99)
PreSurg <- c(14, 16, 46, 43)
matrix <- rbind(baseline, dAC, InterReg, PreSurg)
means <- rowMeans(matrix)