我无法使用嵌套数组检索数据,然后将其显示在我的Reactive Form中(第二级数组中的数据会重复)。问题似乎是我循环数据的方式,但我不知道如何解决它。为了澄清我在下面有一个例子(问题出现在array2属性中)。
nestedData = {
nestOne: "Level One",
array1: [
nestTwo: "A",
array2: ["Tag A"]
nestTwo: "B",
array2: ["Tag B"]
nestedForm: FormGroup;
let array_one = new FormArray([]);
let array_two = new FormArray([]);
// If an If block to check if 'array1' property is present;
if (this.nestedData['array1']) {
for (let ar1 of this.nestedData.array1) {
// IF BLOCK FOR array2
if (ar1['array2']) {
// For loop to get array2 data
for (let ar2 of ar1.array2) {
new FormControl(ar2, Validators.required),
} //IF Block Ends
new FormGroup({
'nestTwo': new FormControl(ar1.nestTwo),
'array2': array_two
this.nestedForm = this.fb.group({
'nestedOne': [this.nestedData.nestOne],
'array1': array_one
{{nestedForm.value | json}}
"nestedOne": "Level One",
"array1": [
"nestTwo": "A",
"array2": [
"Tag A",
"Tag B"
"nestTwo": "B",
"array2": [
"Tag A",
"Tag B"
如你所见。标签A和标签B出现在两个array2属性中,但不应该出现。我不知道检索array2数据的最佳方法,然后将其推入Reactive FormArray,同时保持其包含在其父数组1中。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在 if 语句之前,在 for 循环内初始化第二个表单数组。通过这样做,您确保不会将 array2 值推送到相同的表单中。
nestedForm: FormGroup;
let array_one = new FormArray([]);
// If an If block to check if 'array1' property is present;
if (this.nestedData['array1']) {
for (let ar1 of this.nestedData.array1) {
let array_two = new FormArray([]); // initialize here
// IF BLOCK FOR array2
if (ar1['array2']) {
// For loop to get array2 data
for (let ar2 of ar1.array2) {
array_two.push(new FormControl(ar2, Validators.required));
} //IF Block Ends
new FormGroup({
'nestTwo': new FormControl(ar1.nestTwo),
'array2': array_two // but if the data is not available, you will be pushing empty form array here
this.nestedForm = this.fb.group({
'nestedOne': [this.nestedData.nestOne],
'array1': array_one