01/01 / yyyy,06:00:00,12:00:00,18:00:00,00:00:00 ...... 一十二分之三十一月/年,06:00:00,12:00:00,18:00:00,00:00:00
<!DOCTYPE html> <html>
<title>Sunrise and Sunset</title>
Latitude: <input id='lat' value='52.0'>
Longitude: <input id='lon' value='10.0'>
Elevation: <input id='elv' value='0.0'>
Year: <input id='yr' value='2000'>
Time zone: <input id='tz' value='1.0'>
<button id='btn' onclick='rechner();'>
Get your data
</body> </html>
//-------Degrees to radians------//
function toRad(angle){
return angle*Math.PI/180;
//------Radians to degrees-------//
function toDeg(angle){
return angle*180/Math.PI;
//---------Main function-------//
function rechner(){
var lat,lon,elv,year,tzone;
lat = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lat').value);
lon = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lon').value);
elv = parseFloat(document.getElementById('elv').value);
year = parseInt(document.getElementById('yr').value);
tzone = parseFloat(document.getElementById('tz').value);
var dip_angle = 0.0347*Math.sqrt(elv);
//dip angle for sunrise and sunset accounting for elevation of the location, it is here in degrees expressed
var date = new Date(year,0,1,12);
var time = date.getTime();
var julian_date = (time / 86400000) - (date.getTimezoneOffset()/1440) + 2440587.5;
var d = julian_date - 2451545.0;
var yr = date.getFullYear();
// get year from the date 01/01/YYYY
for(var i=0; i<=((yr%4)==0 ? 365 : 364); i++){
var D = d+i;
//------Solar approximate coordinates----//
var g = ((357.529 + 0.98560028*D)+360)%360;
//Mean anomaly of the Sun
var q = ((280.459 + 0.98564736*D)+360)%360;
//Mean longitude of the Sun
var L = ((q + 1.915*Math.sin(toRad(g)) + 0.020*Math.sin(toRad(2*g)))+360)%360;
//Geocentric apparent ecliptic longitude of the Sun (adjusted for aberration)
var e = 23.439 - 0.00000036*D;
//Mean obliquity of the ecliptic
var ra = ((toDeg(Math.atan2(Math.cos(toRad(e))*Math.sin(toRad(L)),Math.cos(toRad(L)))))+360)%360;
// Right ascension in deg
var dec = toDeg(Math.asin(Math.sin(toRad(e))*Math.sin(toRad(L))));
// Declination in deg
var eqt = (((q - ra)/15)+24)%24
//equation of time, in hrs
var R = 1.00014 - 0.01671*Math.cos(toRad(g)) - 0.00014*Math.cos(toRad(2*g));
// Distance Sun-Earth in AU
var SD = 0.2666/R;
// Semi-diameter of sun in degrees
//---function calculates timestamp from noon to the wanted angle under horizon--//
function timeTodip (angle){
return 1/15*toDeg(Math.acos((-Math.sin(toRad(angle))-Math.sin(toRad (lat))*Math.sin(toRad(dec)))/(Math.cos(toRad(lat))*Math.cos(toRad(dec)))));
//function renders hh.hhh in range [0,24]
function rendHr(y){
if(y>=0 && y<=24){return y;}
else if(y>24){return y%24;}
else{return y%24 + 24}
//---function converts hh.hhhh to hh:mm:ss
function hhToHMS(nbr){
var decimalTimeString = nbr;
var n = new Date(0,0);
n.setSeconds(+decimalTimeString * 60 * 60);
return n.toTimeString().slice(0, 8)
//---function gets date as DD/MM/YYYY---//
function convertDate(inputFormat) {
function pad(s) { return (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s; }
var z = new Date(inputFormat);
return [pad(z.getDate()), pad(z.getMonth()+1), z.getFullYear()].join('/');
var noon = rendHr(12 + tzone - lon/15 - eqt); //noon time in format hh.hhhh
//--------Sunrise and sunset calc--------//
var sunrise = noon - timeTodip(0.833+dip_angle); //sunrise
var sunset = noon + timeTodip(0.833+dip_angle); //sunset
var mid = (24-rendHr(sunset-sunrise))/2 + sunset; //solar midnight
var nbrDay= new Date((10957+(julian_date - 2451545.0)+i)*86400000);
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