我正在开发一个关于创建一个pinger的项目,该项目将在给定.csv文件的情况下大约ping 400 usps。 .csv文件传递给JTable,对于该表的每一行,我创建并运行将IP ping到java程序正在运行的另一个域的线程。
问题是,无法通过java.net.InetAddress类的isReachable()方法访问这些IP。我可以从同一台PC的cmd.exe ping ping命令,该程序与java程序运行的.csv文件成功引用的IP相同。
我使用了3种不同的方法来测试我的程序(原始的isReachable(),一种使用套接字试图在端口7上打开套接字的方法,以及使用Windows ping命令的最后一种方法)并且只使用一种方法使用windows的ping命令管理到达所有IP。
那说程序有效,但它使用了太多资源,因为现在我为每个线程打开了一个让Win ping命令工作的进程。另外,因为我正在测量ping的响应时间,所以它远离真正的ping命令。
请注意,使用Java的isReachable()方法并编辑IP部分的.csv文件,为www.google.com提供外部IP,因此它确实做出了很好的响应。只有另一个域上的IP才响应。我已经要求管理员在ICMP,TCP / UDP端口7,22上打开防火墙的路径,再次测试我的程序(尚未实现),看看我是否有更多运气。
package my.pinger3;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class PingerThread3 implements Runnable {
//Declaring global variables
JTable jt;
int timeout = 400; //Initialise values to something resonable
int sleepTime = 10000; //Initialise values to something resonable
long startTime;
long endTime;
boolean boolVal = false;
int countAll;
int countFailed;
int row = 0;
final int COL_IP = 2;
final int COL_DEL = 3;
final int COL_SEN = 4;
final int COL_OK = 5;
final int COL_REA = 6;
//Define the openPort var that tells the isReachable() method what port to use for socket connection
final int openPort = 7; //Use the 7port as some say that is the open port for ICMP
PingerThread3(JTable jt, int row, int timeout, int sleepTime) {
this.jt = jt;
this.row = row;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
//Initialise global variables
startTime = 0;
endTime = 0;
countAll = 0;
countFailed = 0;
public void run() {
try {
//InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName((String) jt.getValueAt(row, COL_IP));
//System.out.println((String)jt.getValueAt(row, COL));
while (true) {
//Catch the time before reachable() method is called
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Check if the address is reachable
Use the InetAddress isReachable(timeout) method through isReachable(address)
//boolVal = isReachable(address);
Use the socket isReachsble Version method
//boolVal = isReachable(jt.getValueAt(row, COL_IP).toString(), openPort, timeout);
Use the hardcoded Widnows ping command method
boolVal = isReachable(jt.getValueAt(row, COL_IP).toString());
//Catch the time after reachable() method has been called
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Display the Delay column data in the specific cell
jt.setValueAt((Long) (endTime - startTime), row, COL_DEL);
Display the number of times the reachable() was called which actually is
not equal to the number of requests done on the IP (ICMP port 7) given.
jt.setValueAt((Integer) countAll, row, COL_SEN);
if (boolVal) {
jt.setValueAt("reached", row, COL_REA);
} else {
jt.setValueAt("NOT reached", row, COL_REA);
//Increase the counter for failed operations
//Set the color of this cell to red
//Display the %OK of packets send/received
jt.setValueAt(calcOK(countAll, countFailed), row, COL_OK);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(PingerThread3.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
The InetAddress isReachable() method
private boolean isReachable(InetAddress ia) {
Boolean boolLocalVal = false;
try {
boolLocalVal = ia.isReachable(timeout);
//increase the counter for all calls of this method
} catch (IOException e) {
return boolLocalVal;
The Socket version of isReachable
private boolean isReachable(String addr, int openPort, int timeOutMillis) throws IOException {
// Any Open port on other machine
// openPort = 22 - ssh, 80 or 443 - webserver, 25 - mailserver etc.
Socket soc = new Socket();
try {
soc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(addr, openPort), timeOutMillis);
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
return false;
}finally {
The hard coded Windows ping version of isReachable() note that this is the worst
solution in resources and accuracy based observations
private boolean isReachable(String add) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// in case of Linux change the 'n' to 'c'
Process p1 = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping -n 1 "+add);
int returnVal = p1.waitFor();
boolean reachable = (returnVal == 0);
return reachable;
private Double calcOK(int cntAll, int cntFailed) {
Double value = ((Double.valueOf(cntAll) - Double.valueOf(cntFailed)) / Double.valueOf(cntAll)) * 100;
return Math.round(value * 100.0) / 100.0;