
时间:2017-11-16 18:43:19

标签: drop-down-menu z-index slideshow




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  <title>Stigler Public Schools</title>
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    <p class="header">Stigler Public Schools</p>
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      <ul class="navigation">
      <a class="main" href="#url">District</a>
  <li class="n1"><a href="\\stigler-web\web\New Website\caleab\District\hs\hs.html">High School</a></li>
  <li class="n2"><a href="\\stigler-web\web\New Website\caleab\District\ms\ms.html">Middle School</a></li>
  <li class="n3"><a href="\\stigler-web\web\New Website\caleab\District\gs\gs.html">Grade School</a></li>
  <li class="n4"><a href="\\stigler-web\web\New Website\caleab\District\admin\admin.html">Administration</a></li>
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      <a class="main" href="#url">Resources</a>
      <li class="n1"><a href="school_calendar.html" target="main">School Calender</a></li>
      <li class="n2"><a href="cafeteria_menus.html" target="main">Menus</a></li>
      <li class="n3"><a href="employment_opportunities.html" target="main">Employment</a></li>
      <li class="n4"><a href="counselor.html" target="main">Counseling</a></li>
      <li class="n5"><a href="https://wengage.com/Stigler/Login/AttemptLogin?ReturnUrl=%2fstigler.html">Grade Book</a></li>
      <li class="n6"><a href="http://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/high-school-yearbooks.html">Yearbook</a></li>
    <ul class="navigation">
      <a class="main" href="#url">Organizations</a>
      <li class="n1"><a href="" target="main">Athletics</a></li>
      <li class="n2"><a href="#" target="main">Music</a></li>
      <li class="n3"><a href="" target="main">Drama</a></li>
      <li class="n4"><a href="#">FFA</a></li>
      <li class="n5"><a href="#">A-Z</a></li>

    <ul class="navigation">
      <a class="main" href="#url">Board Of Education</a>
        <li class="n1"><a href="board_of_education.html" target="main">Information</a></li>
      <li class="n2"><a href="policy.html#" target="main">Meetings</a></li>
      <li class="n3"><a href="#">Policies</a></li>



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/* End Slideshow */

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