更改visual composer的原始html块中的URL

时间:2017-11-16 12:46:32

标签: wordpress migrate visual-composer

Visual Composer将原始HTML块保存为数据库中的base64编码(和url编码)字符串。我的网站需要从http到https,我需要更改这些原始HTML块中使用的资产URL以通过https提供。显然Wordpress搜索/替换工具在这里不起作用。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


# WordPress VisualComposer RawHtml Base64  data base mass Replacing

For developers only!

This is little script for mass changes in wordpress visual composer database. 
You can change all domains, html code, scripts and etc, data that in base64 coded.

MAKE BACK-UP database table WP_POSTS!

All what you need, its take this in function.php at your theme folder.
Change sample data to yours needs.
Run url - your_site.com/replace_composer_html_raw_base64

If success - all data will be changed and you are happy now ;)

function replace_composer_html_raw_base64(){

    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/replace_composer_html_raw_base64'){
        global $wpdb;

        ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
        ini_set('display_errors', 1);
        ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

        $response = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ID,post_content FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type="page"',ARRAY_A);
        $count = count($response);
        $tag = 'vc_raw_js';//'vc_raw_js';//'vc_raw_html';//vc_raw_js
        $pattern = '\['.$tag.'].*?\]';

        foreach ($response as $post){

            $matches = '';
            preg_match_all('/' . $pattern . '/s', $post['post_content'], $matches);
            $content = replacedComposerHtmlRawString($matches[0],$tag);

            if(!$content && count($content)<1){

            foreach ($content as $key=>$item){
                $post['post_content'] = str_replace($item['original'],$item['modified'],$post['post_content']);

            //$post['post_content'] = replacedComposerRawFromTo();

            $upd = array(// Update the post into the database
                'ID'           => $post['ID'],
                'post_content' => $post['post_content'],
            wp_update_post( $upd );

        die('If no errors, all successful! =)  ');
// String with shortcode tag, and different tag send, like vc_raw_html,vc_raw_js, etc.
function replacedComposerHtmlRawString($strings,$tag){

        return false;

    foreach ($strings as $key=>$string){
        $return[$key]['original']= $string;
        $string = str_replace('['.$tag.']','',$string);
        $string = str_replace('[/'.$tag.']','',$string);
        $string = base64_decode($string);
        $string = rawurldecode($string);//If something not working, try change this rawurlencode to urlencode, etc... dumped it =)

        //place to replace decoded string
        $string = replacedComposerRawFromTo($string);
        //end place..

        $string = rawurlencode($string);
        $string = base64_encode($string);
        $string = '['.$tag.']'.$string.'[/'.$tag.']';
        $return[$key]['modified'] = $string;

    return $return;

function replacedComposerRawFromTo($string,$fromTo=false){
    //Changed from 'value' = > to 'value';
    //Sample data to change!
        '<script>Hello World</script>'=>'<script>HI WORLD</script>',


    foreach ($fromTo as $from=>$to){
        $string = str_replace($from,$to,$string);

    return $string;

add_action('init', 'replace_composer_html_raw_base64');

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这个WordPress插件可以达到目的: https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-search-replace/ 我尝试使用编码的字符串并成功。

从此: https%3A%2F%2Fevergreendent.com%2Fhu


赞: http://prntscr.com/qxu65n

它取代了Visual Composer / WP Bakery页面构建器链接。

从此: https://evergreendent.com/hu

对此: https://evergreendent.hu

答案 2 :(得分:0)


add_filter('the_content', 'chnage_http_to_https', 10);
function chnage_http_to_https($content){
    return str_replace('http://example.com','https://example.com', $content);

它会帮助你前端。 chnage exaple.com到您的网站名称

答案 3 :(得分:-1)
