public function getTagsInfo($sFilepath) {
$aTV23 = array( // array of possible sys tags (for last version of ID3)
$aTV23t = array( // array of titles for sys tags
$aTV22 = array( // array of possible sys tags (for old version of ID3)
$aTV22t = array( // array of titles for sys tags
$aTV23 = mb_convert_encoding($aTV23, "UTF-8");
$aTV23t = mb_convert_encoding($aTV23t, "UTF-8");
$aTV22 = mb_convert_encoding($aTV22, "UTF-8");
$aTV22t = mb_convert_encoding($aTV22t, "UTF-8");
// read source file
$iFSize = filesize($sFilepath);
$vFD = fopen($sFilepath,'r');
$sSrc = fread($vFD,$iFSize);
// obtain base info
if (substr($sSrc,0,3) == 'ID3') {
$aInfo['FileName'] = $sFilepath;
$aInfo['Version'] = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,3,1))).'.'.hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,4,1)));
// passing through possible tags of idv2 (v3 and v4)
if ($aInfo['Version'] == '4.0' || $aInfo['Version'] == '3.0') {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aTV23); $i++) {
if (strpos($sSrc, $aTV23[$i].chr(0)) != FALSE) {
$s = '';
$iPos = strpos($sSrc, $aTV23[$i].chr(0));
$iLen = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,($iPos + 5),3)));
$data = substr($sSrc, $iPos, 10 + $iLen);
for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($data); $a++) {
$char = substr($data, $a, 1);
if ($char >= ' ' && $char <= '~')
$s .= $char;
if (substr($s, 0, 4) == $aTV23[$i]) {
$iSL = 4;
if ($aTV23[$i] == 'USLT') {
$iSL = 7;
} elseif ($aTV23[$i] == 'TALB') {
$iSL = 5;
} elseif ($aTV23[$i] == 'TENC') {
$iSL = 6;
$aInfo[$aTV23t[$i]] = substr($s, $iSL);
// passing through possible tags of idv2 (v2)
if($aInfo['Version'] == '2.0') {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aTV22); $i++) {
if (strpos($sSrc, $aTV22[$i].chr(0)) != FALSE) {
$s = '';
$iPos = strpos($sSrc, $aTV22[$i].chr(0));
$iLen = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,($iPos + 3),3)));
$data = substr($sSrc, $iPos, 6 + $iLen);
for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($data); $a++) {
$char = substr($data, $a, 1);
if ($char >= ' ' && $char <= '~')
$s .= $char;
if (substr($s, 0, 3) == $aTV22[$i]) {
$iSL = 3;
if ($aTV22[$i] == 'ULT') {
$iSL = 6;
$aInfo[$aTV22t[$i]] = substr($s, $iSL);
return $aInfo;
あなたを武装解除する converted automatically to B0j0_00fkdY00