type point
real(8) :: x, y, z
end type point
SUBROUTINE CrystalCor(UnitBoxPos, SiteZ, SiteB)
Use Parameters
Use Variables
Use Coordinate
Implicit none
type (point) SiteZ, SiteB(3)
real(8) xz,yz,zz
xz = 0.0
yz = 0.0
zz = 0.0
SiteZ%x = xz
SiteZ%y = yz
SiteZ%z = zz
write(6,10) SiteZ !to check the elements' values in siteZ
SiteB(1)%x = xz + 0.5
SiteB(1)%y = yz
SiteB(1)%z = zz
SiteB(2)%x = xz
SiteB(2)%y = yz + 0.5 ! from here, why SiteZ%y also change to yz+0.5
SiteB(2)%z = zz
SiteB(3)%x = xz
SiteB(3)%y = yz
SiteB(3)%z = zz + 0.5
write(6,10) SiteB
write(6,10) SiteZ !to check the elements' values in siteZ
10格式(2X,3(2X,F10.6)) END
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.500000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.500000
0.000000 0.500000 0.000000