语句并在Observatory vm中打开isolate时,我可以看到代码在断点框架处停止,框架旁边显示的变量以及shell执行命令行。
$ h
List of commands:
break - Add a breakpoint by source location or function name (hotkey: [F8])
clear - Remove a breakpoint by source location or function name (hotkey: [F8])
cls - Clear the console
continue, c - Resume execution of the isolate (hotkey: [F7])
delete - Remove a breakpoint by breakpoint id
down - Move down one or more frames (hotkey: [Page Down])
finish - Continue running the isolate until the current function exits
frame, f - Set the current frame
help - List commands or provide details about a specific command
info - Show information on a variety of topics
isolate, i - Switch, list, rename, or reload isolates
log - Control which log messages are displayed
next, n - Continue running the isolate until it reaches the next source location in the current function (hotkey: [F9])
next-async - Step over await or yield
next-sync - Run until return/unwind to current activation.
pause - Pause the isolate (hotkey: [Ctrl ;])
print, p - Evaluate and print an expression in the current frame
refresh - Refresh debugging information of various sorts
reload - Reload the sources for the current isolate
rewind - Rewind the stack to a previous frame
set - Set a debugger option
step, s - Continue running the isolate until it reaches the next source location (hotkey: [F10]
up - Move up one or more frames (hotkey: [Page Up])
vm - Manage a Dart virtual machine
For more information on a specific command type 'help <command>'
For a list of hotkeys type 'help hotkeys'
Command prefixes are accepted (e.g. 'h' for 'help')
Hit [TAB] to complete a command (try 'is[TAB][TAB]')
Hit [ENTER] to repeat the last command
Use up/down arrow for command history
看起来无法进入该功能并执行dart命令。我错过了什么 ?我将如何调查对象及其方法?