
时间:2017-11-14 19:28:31

标签: python algorithm


building_count = int(input())
items = {} # dictionary, location on x axis is the key, height is the value
count = 0 # total area
for j in range(building_count):
    line = input().split(' ')
    H = int(line[0]) # height
    L = int(line[1]) # left point (start of the building)
    R = int(line[2]) # right point (end of the building)
    for k in range(R - L):
        if not (L+k in  items): # if it's not there, add it
            items[L+k] = H
        elif H > items[L+k]: # if we have a higher building on that index
            items[L+k] = H
for value in items.values(): # we add each column basically
    count += value


3 -3 0
2 -1 1
4 2 4
2 3 7
3 6 8



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您要为范围中的每个整数值分配一个单独的键值对。想象一下R = 1L = 100000的情况。您的items字典将填充1000000个项目。你处理/删除重叠的基本想法是合理的,但你做的方式是大量的过度杀伤。


enter image description here 绿色:重叠被切断。

通常情况下,如果我们之间有m个矩形和n重叠,构建图形将是O(m2)操作,因为我们必须检查所有顶点是否相互重叠。但是,我们可以完全绕过输入图的构造以获得O(m + n)遍历算法,这将是最优的,因为我们将只分析每个矩形一次,并且尽可能有效地构造没有重叠的输出图。 O(m + n)假定您的输入矩形按其左边缘按升序排序。如果不是这种情况,则算法将O(mlog(m) + n)考虑初始排序步骤。请注意,随着图密度的增加,n将从~m变为~m2。这证实了一个直观的想法,即重叠次数越少,您希望过程在O(m)时间内运行的次数越多,而且重叠次数越多,您就越接近O(m2)时间。< / p>

提出的算法的空间复杂度为O(m):输入中的每个矩形将导致输出中最多两个矩形,2m = O(m)

足够复杂性分析和算法本身。输入将是由LRH定义的一系列矩形。我将假设输入按最左边L排序。输出图形将是由相同参数定义的矩形的链接列表,由最右侧边缘按降序顺序排序。列表的头部将是最右边的矩形。任何矩形之间的输出都没有重叠,因此天际线的总面积将只是每个H * (R - L)输出矩形的~m的总和。


由于输入列表是通过增加左边缘来排序的,并且输出列表是通过减小右边缘来排序的,因此我们可以保证添加的每个矩形仅针对它实际上与 1 重叠的矩形进行检查。我们将进行重叠检查和移除,如上图所示,直到我们到达一个左边缘小于或等于新矩形左边缘的矩形。保证输出列表中的所有其他矩形不与新矩形重叠。这种检查和斩波操作保证每次重叠最多访问一次,并且不会不必要地处理非重叠矩形,使算法达到最佳。


enter image description here


from collections import namedtuple

# Defined in this order so you can sort a list by left edge without a custom key
Rect = namedtuple('Rect', ['l', 'r', 'h'])

class LinkedList:
    __slots__ = ['value', 'next']

    Implements a singly-linked list with mutable nodes and an iterator.
    def __init__(self, value=None, next=None):
        self.value = value
        self.next = next

    def __iter__(self):
        Iterate over the *nodes* in the list, starting with this one.

        The `value` and `next` attribute of any node may be modified
        during iteration.
        while self:
            yield self
            self = self.next

    def __str__(self):
        Provided for inspection purposes.

        Works well with `namedtuple` values.
        return ' -> '.join(repr(x.value) for x in self)

def process_skyline(skyline):
    Turns an iterable of rectangles sharing a common baseline into a
    `LinkedList` of rectangles containing no overlaps.

    The input is assumed to be sorted in ascending order by left edge.
    Each element of the input must have the attributes `l`, r`, `h`.

    The output will be sorted in descending order by right edge.

    Return `None` if the input is empty.
    def intersect(r1, r2, default=None):
        Return (1) a flag indicating the order of `r1` and `r2`,
        (2) a linked list of between one and three non-overlapping
        rectangles covering the exact same area as `r1` and `r2`,
        and (3) a pointer to the last nodes (4) a pointer to the
        second-to-last node, or `default` if there is only one node.

        The flag is set to True if the left edge of `r2` is strictly less
        than the left edge of `r1`. That would indicate that the left-most
        (last) chunk of the tuple came from `r2` instead of `r1`. For the
        algorithm as a whole, that means that we need to keep checking for

        The resulting list is always returned sorted descending by the
        right edge. The input rectangles will not be modified. If they are
        not returned as-is, a `Rect` object will be used instead.
        # Swap so left edge of r1 < left edge of r2
        if r1.l > r2.l:
            r1, r2 = r2, r1
            swapped = True
            swapped = False

        if r2.l >= r1.r:
            # case 0: no overlap at all
            last = LinkedList(r1)
            s2l = result = LinkedList(r2, last)
        elif r1.r < r2.r:
            # case 1: simple overlap
            if r1.h > r2.h:
                # Chop r2
                r2 = Rect(r1.r, r2.r, r2.h)
                r1 = Rect(r1.l, r2.l, r1.h)
            last = LinkedList(r1)
            s2l = result = LinkedList(r2, last)
        elif r1.h < r2.h:
            # case 2: split into 3
            r1a = Rect(r1.l, r2.l, r1.h)
            r1b = Rect(r2.r, r1.r, r1.h)
            last = LinkedList(r1a)
            s2l = LinkedList(r2, last)
            result = LinkedList(r1b, s2l)
            # case 3: complete containment
            result = LinkedList(r1)
            last = result
            s2l = default

        return swapped, result, last, s2l

    root = LinkedList()

    skyline = iter(skyline)
        # Add the first node as-is
        root.next = LinkedList(next(skyline))
    except StopIteration:
        # Empty input iterator
        return None

    for new_rect in skyline:
        prev = root
        for rect in root.next:
            need_to_continue, replacement, last, second2last = \
                    intersect(rect.value, new_rect, prev)
            # Replace the rectangle with the de-overlapped regions
            prev.next = replacement
            if not need_to_continue:
                # Retain the remainder of the list
                last.next = rect.next
            # Force the iterator to move on to the last node
            new_rect = last.value
            prev = second2last

    return root.next


skyline = [
    Rect(-3, 0, 3), Rect(-1, 1, 2), Rect(2, 4, 4),
    Rect(3, 7, 2), Rect(6, 8, 3),
processed = process_skyline(skyline)
area = sum((x.value.r - x.value.l) * x.value.h for x in processed) if processed else None


>>> print(processed)
Rect(l=6, r=8, h=3) -> Rect(l=4, r=6, h=2) -> Rect(l=2, r=4, h=4) ->
Rect(l=0, r=1, h=2) -> Rect(l=-3, r=0, h=3)


enter image description here

作为额外验证,我在列表的开头添加了一个新建筑Rect(-4, 9, 1)。它与所有其他内容重叠,并向area添加三个单位,或32的最终结果。 processed出现为:

Rect(l=8, r=9, h=1) -> Rect(l=6, r=8, h=3) -> Rect(l=4, r=6, h=2) ->
Rect(l=2, r=4, h=4) -> Rect(l=1, r=2, h=1) -> Rect(l=0, r=1, h=2) ->
Rect(l=-3, r=0, h=3) -> Rect(l=-4, r=-3, h=1)


虽然我确信这个问题已经解决了很多次,但我在这里提出的解决方案完全是我自己的工作,没有咨询任何其他参考资料。使用隐式图形表示和结果分析的想法受到最近阅读Steven Skiena的算法设计手册第二版的启发。这是我见过的最好的综合性书籍之一。

1 从技术上讲,如果一个新的矩形与任何其他矩形不重叠,它将与一个不重叠的矩形进行核对。如果总是这样额外检查,算法将进行额外的m - 1比较。幸运的是,m + m + n - 1 = O(m + n)即使我们总是也必须检查一个额外的矩形(我们不会这样做)。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

获取MemoryError的原因是正在创建的字典的大小。在最坏的情况下,dict可以有10 ^ 10个键,最终会占用你所有的内存。如果真的有需要,shelve是一种可能的解决方案,可以使用这么大的字典。

假设有一个10 0 100的建筑物和另一个20 50 150的建筑物,那么该列表可能包含[(-10^9, 0), (0, 10), (50, 20), (150, 0), (10^9, 0)]等信息。当您遇到更多建筑物时,可以在此列表中添加更多条目。这将是O(n^2)
