我正在遇到问题,以在交互式闪亮应用中显示功能的结果。 我创建了一个功能" Scraaping"收集来自Twitter API的推文,并且当我单独运行它时,它会起作用,它只会在" &#34 ;. 但是,当我想从我的应用程序获取文本输出并将其作为参数插入到我的函数中运行到服务器中时,我遇到了错误。看起来它来自toString函数。 你能帮忙吗?
# Define UI for app
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Twitter Scraping'),
sidebarPanel("Work In Progress",
h2("Input a research, get trends linked with it from Twitter"),
actionButton("ActionButton", label = "Get Result"),
dateRangeInput("Dates", label = "Dates de recherche", start = '2017-08-01', end = Sys.Date() ),
textInput("Research" , label="Recherche" , value ='fintech'),
selectInput("Localisation" , label ="Localisation", choices = c('Paris', 'Londres','Lyon','New York'))
mainPanel (
textOutput("Dates") ,
# img(src = "my_image.png", height = 72, width = 72)
# server parameter
server <- function(input, output) {
# Appeler la fonction
output$Recherche2 <- renderText(input$Research)
MotCle <- toString(output$Recherche2)
d <- Scrapping(MotCle)
Top10 <- head(d,10)
#Récupérer le graphe
output$Localisation <- renderText({paste("Vous avez séléctionné la localisation autour de" , input$Localisation)})
output$Dates <- renderText({paste("Votre recherche porte du ", input$Dates[1],"au", input$Dates[2])})
output$Recherche1 <- renderText({paste("La recherche porte sur les tweets contenant",input$Research)})
output$Plot <- renderPlot( { output$Recherche2 <- renderText(input$Research)
MotCle <- toString(output$Recherche2)
d <- Scrapping(MotCle)
Top10 <- head(d,10)
wordcloud(words = d$word, freq = d$freq, min.freq = 10,
max.words = 100 , random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35,
colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2") ) })
Scrapping <- function(Recherche) {
#Nombre de tweets souhaités
NombreTweets <- 1000
#Dates souhaitées
Date_début = '2017-04-01'
Date_fin = '2017-11-13'
#Connexion à l'API
Info_tweets <- searchTwitteR(Recherche, n=NombreTweets, since=Date_début, until=Date_fin,
geocode = '48.878114,2.629798,100mi')
# Extraction du texte // Construction du vecteur contenant le texte
Tweets <- matrix(NA, nrow = NombreTweets)
for( i in 1:NombreTweets)
Tweets[i] <- Info_tweets[[i]]$text
#Textes = lapply(Info_tweets, function(t)t$getText())
#Analyse des tweets
# Build a Corpus
data.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(Tweets))
data.corpus <- str_replace_all(data.corpus,"[[:punct:]]", " ")
# Remove all non-alphanumeric characters - just as backup to the special chars
data.corpus <- str_replace_all(data.corpus,"[[:punct:]]", " ")
# Remove camelCase
data.corpus <- gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1 \\L\\2", data.corpus, perl = TRUE)
# Lowercase
data.corpus <- tolower(data.corpus)
#' Remove everything that is not a number or letter (may want to keep more
#' stuff in your actual analyses).
data.corpus <- str_replace_all(data.corpus,"[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]", " ")
# Shrink down to just one white space
data.corpus <- str_replace_all(data.corpus,"[\\s]+", " ")
data.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(data.corpus))
# remove punctuation & Numbers & double space
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removeNumbers)
#data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removePunctuation)
#data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, stripWhitespace)
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, stemDocument)
# Convert to lowercase
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
# Remove specific words
#data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removeWords, c (Recherche, "€", 'https'))
#remove stop words, otherwise some of these words would appear as most used
some_stopwordsEN <- c(stopwords('english'))
some_stopwordsFR <- c(stopwords('french'))
some_stopwordsESP <- c(stopwords('spanish'))
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removeWords, some_stopwordsEN)
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removeWords, some_stopwordsFR)
data.corpus <- tm_map(data.corpus, removeWords, some_stopwordsESP)
# Nuage de points
dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(data.corpus)
m <- as.matrix(dtm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v)
Top10 <- head(d, 10)
wordcloud(words = d$word, freq = d$freq, min.freq = 10,
max.words=200, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35,
colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))