
时间:2017-11-13 15:28:45

标签: json node.js azure azure-bot-service

我使用azure bot服务创建了一个机器人,当我给它一个api调用时,我的机器人回复“对象”而不是所需的输出。

我也试过#region MaxShownItems (Bindable int) /// <summary> /// Manages the binding of the <see cref="MaxShownItems"/> property /// </summary> public static readonly BindableProperty MaxShownItemsProperty = BindableProperty.Create(propertyName: nameof(MaxShownItems) , returnType: typeof(int) , declaringType: typeof(BoardView) , defaultValue: default(int) , defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWay , propertyChanged: MaxShownItems_PropertyChanged ); public int MaxShownItems { get { return (int)GetValue(MaxShownItemsProperty); } set { SetValue(MaxShownItemsProperty, value); } } private static void MaxShownItems_PropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var myBoardView = (BoardView)bindable; var max = Math.Max(newValue as int? ?? 0, 0); myBoardView.BoardLayout.MaxShownItems = max; } #endregion // MaxShownItems (Bindable int) ,它没有在在线测试聊天中显示任何输出,并在频道页面上显示错误:网关超时,当我在Skype中尝试使用僵尸时,它显示错误: json.stringify()

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