
时间:2017-11-12 21:42:58

标签: r dataframe

我是新手,需要帮助。 我正在为我的论文制作一个基于代理的模型。 我现在所困扰的是我的人口中的生与死。 我有一个data.frame与男性,女性,年龄,preg,不preg和活着或死。 我需要做的是 * for n for people for FOR FOR EACH PERSON

  • 使用随机数决定性别(例如,< 0.5 =男性)

  • 决定年龄,画一个随机数0到80

  • 将Alive设置为TRUE

  • PREGO-男性和生殖前或生殖后女性,设为假

  • 对于育龄女性,掷骰子


就像我说的那样,我只是盯着编码而且我在语法等方面受到了限制 任何帮助甚至可能有用的资源都非常感谢

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


#choose sample size and initialize dataframe with sex and age
samplesize <- 5000
df <- data.frame(sex = round(runif(samplesize)),
                 age = round(runif(samplesize, 0, 80)))

# all are alive and pregnant
df$alive <- TRUE
df$prego <- TRUE

# men and old/young women are not pregnant
df$prego[(df$sex == 1) | (df$age > 60) | (df$age < 14)] <- FALSE

# only some of the potentially pregnant women are pregnant
df$prego[df$prego == TRUE] <- sample(c(T,F), sum(df$prego), replace = T)

# replace 1s and 0s with M and F
df$sex[df$sex == 1] <- "M"
df$sex[df$sex == 0] <- "F"

答案 1 :(得分:0)



#starting variables
probMale <- .5
ageMin <- 0
ageMax <- 80
preProductiveAge <- 15
postProductiveAge <- 44
probPregnant <- .3
sampleSize <- 10000

listOut <- list()
for(i in 1:sampleSize){
  sex <- sample(c('male', 'female'), size = 1, prob = c(probMale, 1-probMale))
  age <- sample(0:80, size = 1)
  alive <- TRUE
  if(sex == 'male'){
    prego <- FALSE
  } else if(age >= postProductiveAge){
    prego <- FALSE
  } else if(age <= preProductiveAge){
    prego <- FALSE
  } else{
    prego <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 1, prob = c(probPregnant, 1-probPregnant))
  listOut[[i]] <- data.frame(sex = sex, age = age, alive = alive, prego = prego)

df <- rbindlist(listOut)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


person_count          <- 20
range_fertile         <- c(20, 45)
possible_genders      <- c("male", "female")
possible_ages         <- 1:80
pregnant_probability  <- .14

  gender          = sample(possible_genders , person_count, replace=T),
  age             = sample(possible_ages    , person_count, replace=T),
  alive           = TRUE
) %>% 
  is_fertile_age  = (gender=="female") & (range_fertile[1] <= age & age <= range_fertile[2]),
  is_pregnant     = (is_fertile_age & sample(c(T,F), person_count, prob = c(pregnant_probability, 1-pregnant_probability), replace=T))