在StringTemplate文件中,Parser由模板Parser_定义。 Parser_包含以下规则:
submitHandler(inputValue, inputIdentifier) {
console.log('inside the submitHandler');
var newArray = [];
value: inputValue,
identificer: inputIdentifier.item
this.setState({ newArray: newArray })
let dataStorage = [newArray, ...this.state.dictionaryForAddedItems]
this.setState({ dataStorage: dataStorage }, () => {
console.log('her is was inside the newArray' + JSON.stringify(newArray));
console.log('her is was inside the state.dictionaryForAddedItems' + JSON.stringify(this.state.dataStorage));
整个解析器 - 模板:
<funcs; separator="\n">
答案 0 :(得分:0)
解决方案是遍历parser.funcs.ruleCtx并从RuleFunction模板中排除: - )
Parser_(parser, funcs, atn, sempredFuncs, ctor, superClass ) ::= <<
<funcs :{ func | <func.ruleCtx> }; separator="\n"> // here the Comtext classes
class <parser.name> extends <if(superClass)><superClass><else>\antlr4\php7_runtime\Parser<endif> {
public $grammarFileName = "<parser.grammarFileName>";
public $atn = null;
public $decisionsToDFA = array( );
public $sharedContextCache = null;
public $literalNames = [ <parser.literalNames:{t | <t>}; null="'\<INVALID>'", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> ];
public $symbolicNames = [ <parser.symbolicNames:{t | <t>}; null="'\<INVALID>'", separator=", ", wrap, anchor> ];
<parser.rules:{r | const RULE_<r.name> = <r.index>;}; separator="\n", wrap, anchor>
public $ruleNames = [ <parser.ruleNames:{r | "<r>"}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor> ];
public $EOF = <PathRuntime()><TokenLabelType()>::EOF;
<parser.tokens:{k | const <k>=<parser.tokens.(k)>;}; separator="\n", wrap, anchor>
<funcs; separator="\n"> // here RuleFunction is emitted
} // class <parser.name>
function sempred( $localctx, int $ruleIndex, int $predIndex){
if ($this->_predicates == null) {
$this->_predicates = py_dict();
<parser.sempredFuncs.values:{ f |
$this->predicates[<f.ruleIndex>] = $this-><f.name>_sempred}; separator="\n">
$pred = $this->_predicates->get($ruleIndex, null);
if ( $pred == null) {
throw Exception("No predicate with index:" . (string) $ruleIndex );
} else {
return pred( $localctx, $predIndex)
<sempredFuncs.values; separator="\n">