
时间:2017-11-12 07:38:24

标签: jquery css3


$(function() {
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<li><a class = "abcd" href="#">Login</a></li>


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1。上面的代码是在任何地方点击时关闭弹出窗口,但它应该     在外面点击时关闭。  2.如何处理,请帮助。?

请指出我做错了什么。 参考 http://jsfiddle.net/ukwx5eLh/

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



$(document).click(function(e) {
    var clickedTrigger = e.target.id === 'abcd';
    clickedTrigger ? $('.popup').fadeIn(350) : $('.popup').fadeOut(350);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


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                  <div class="sminputs">
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                      <input class="string optional" maxlength="255" id="user-pw" placeholder="Password" type="text" size="50" />
                    <div class="input string optional">
                      <label class="string optional" for="user-pw-repeat">Repeat password *</label>
                      <input class="string optional" maxlength="255" id="user-pw-repeat" placeholder="Repeat password" type="text" size="50" />
                  <div class="simform__actions">
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                    <span class="simform__actions-sidetext">By creating an account you agree to our <a class="special" href="#" target="_blank" role="link">Terms & Privacy</a></span>
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                      <span>Create an account with <strong>Facebook</strong></span>

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              <div class="logmod__heading">
                <span class="logmod__heading-subtitle">Enter your email and password <strong>to sign in</strong></span>
              <div class="logmod__form">
                <form accept-charset="utf-8" action="#" class="simform">
                  <div class="sminputs">
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                      <label class="string optional" for="user-name">Email*</label>
                      <input class="string optional" maxlength="255" id="user-email" placeholder="Email" type="email" size="50" />
                  <div class="sminputs">
                    <div class="input full">
                      <label class="string optional" for="user-pw">Password *</label>
                      <input class="string optional" maxlength="255" id="user-pw" placeholder="Password" type="password" size="50" />
                      <span class="hide-password">Show</span>
                  <div class="simform__actions">
                    <input class="sumbit" name="commit" type="sumbit" value="Log In" />
                    <span class="simform__actions-sidetext"><a class="special" role="link" href="#">Forgot your password?<br>Click here</a></span>
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                  <a href="#" class="connect facebook">
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                      <span>Sign in with <strong>Google+</strong></span>






优良作法是使用return false代替e.stopPropagation();





答案 2 :(得分:0)


console.log('rooms: ', JSON.stringify(rooms, null, 10));

d = {'image1.jpg': ['UTSC', '2017-11-03','Happy Friday'], 'image2.jpg': 
['UTSC', '2017-09-04','Happy Monday'], 'image3.jpg': ['UTSC', '2017-11-
03','Happy Monday'], 'image4.jpg': ['UTSC', '2017-11-03','Happy Monday'], 
'image5.jpg': ['UTSC', '2017-01-04','Happy Monday']}
print len(d)

for i1 in d:
    print i1
    print list_1
for i in range(0,len(list_1)):
    for j in range(1,len(list_1)):
        if d[x][1]==d[y][1]:
            if d[x][1] not in new_d:
            elif x not in new_d[d[x][1]]:

    if count != 0:
        if d[x][1] not in new_d:
        elif x not in new_d[d[x][1]]:

print new_d
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