'浮动/ STR / INT' object不可调用错误

时间:2017-11-11 21:30:58

标签: python python-3.x class object


class Bank:
    def __init__(self, name, account_number, balance):
        self.name = name
        self.account_number = account_number
        self.balance = balance
        self.transactions = 0
    def balance(self):
        if self.balance >= 0:
            print("Your balance is $" + str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
        elif self.balance < 0:
            print("Your balance is -$" + str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
    def deposit(self, amount):
        if amount >= 0:
            self.balance = self.balance + amount
            if self.balance >= 0:
                print("You deposited $" + str(round(amount, 2)) + " into your account, your balance is now $" +
                      str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
            elif self.balance < 0:
                print("You deposited $" + str(round(amount, 2)) + " into your account, your balance is now -$" +
                      str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
            self.transactions += 1
            print("Transaction failed, you cannot deposit a negative amount of money.")
    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if amount >= 0:
            self.balance = self.balance - amount
            if self.balance >= 0:
                print("You withdrew $" + str(round(amount, 2)) + " out of your account, your balance is now $" +
                      str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
            elif self.balance < 0:
                print("You withdrew $" + str(round(amount, 2)) + " out of your account, your balance is now -$" +
                      str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
            self.transactions += 1
            print("Transaction failed, you cannot withdraw a negative amount of money.")
    def summary(self):
        if self.balance >= 0:
            print("Hi " + self.name + " with account# " + str(self.account_number) + ", you have made " +
                  str(self.transactions) + " transactions and your current balance is now $" +
                  str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")
        elif self.balance < 0:
            print("Hi " + self.name + " with account# " + str(self.account_number) + ", you have made " +
                  str(self.transactions) + " transactions and your current balance is now -$" +
                  str(round(self.balance, 2)) + ".")

name1 = str(input("Please enter your name: "))
account_number1 = int(input("Please enter " + name1 + "'s account#: "))
balance1 = float(input("Please enter " + name1 + "'s account balance: "))

name2 = str(input("Please enter your name: "))
account_number2 = int(input("Please enter " + name2 + "'s account#: "))
balance2 = float(input("Please enter " + name2 + "'s account balance: "))

name3 = str(input("Please enter your name: "))
account_number3 = int(input("Please enter " + name3 + "'s account#: "))
balance3 = float(input("Please enter " + name3 + "'s account balance: "))

object1 = Bank(name1, account_number1, balance1)
object2 = Bank(name2, account_number2, balance2)
object3 = Bank(name3, account_number3, balance3)

end = False
while end == False:
x = int(input("Enter 1 to use " + name1 + "'s bank account, enter 2 to use " +
              name2 + "'s bank account, enter 3 to use " + name3 + "'s bank account, or enter 4"
                                                                   "to end all transactions (quit): "))
if x == 1:
    a = int(input("Enter 1 to show " + name1 + "'s account balance, enter 2 to deposit money into " +
                  name1 + "'s account, enter 3 to withdraw money from " + name1 +
                  "'s account, or enter 4 to go back and choose another bank account: "))
    if a == 1:
    elif a == 2:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to deposit: "))
    elif a == 3:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw: "))
    elif a == 4:
        print("Invalid number, restarting.")
if x == 2:
    a = int(input("Enter 1 to show " + name2 + "'s account balance, enter 2 to deposit money into " +
                  name2 + "'s account, enter 3 to withdraw money from " + name2 +
                  "'s account, or enter 4 to go back and choose another bank account: "))
    if a == 1:
    elif a == 2:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to deposit: "))
    elif a == 3:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw: "))
    elif a == 4:
        print("Invalid number, restarting.")
if x == 3:
    a = int(input("Enter 1 to show " + name3 + "'s account balance, enter 2 to deposit money into " +
                  name3 + "'s account, enter 3 to withdraw money from " + name3 +
                  "'s account, or enter 4 to go back and choose another bank account: "))
    if a == 1:
    elif a == 2:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to deposit: "))
    elif a == 3:
        amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw: "))
    elif a == 4:
        print("Invalid number, restarting.")
if x == 4:
    end = True


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "Larger Class Assignment.py", line 72, in <module>


TypeError: 'float' object is not callable


  • 请输入您的姓名:Errin
  • 请输入Errin的帐号#:234623465
  • 请输入Errin的帐户余额:500
  • 请输入您的姓名:asfdgafd
  • 请输入asfdgafd的帐号#:6256
  • 请输入asfdgafd的帐户余额:4362
  • 请输入您的姓名:gsfgh
  • 请输入gsfgh的帐号#:3546
  • 请输入gsfgh的帐户余额:3456
  • 输入1以使用Errin的银行帐户,输入2以使用asfdgafd的银行 帐户,输入3以使用gsfgh的银行帐户,或输入4以结束所有帐户 交易(退出):1
  • 输入1以显示Errin的帐户余额,输入2以存入款项 进入Errin的账户,输入3从Errin的账户中提取资金, 或输入4返回并选择另一个银行帐户:1

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


首先作为类属性(值,浮点数)和余额(self.balance = balance),其次作为类方法(函数)来打印你的当前余额(def balance(self):,将被称为self.balance())。


解决方案使用不同的属性和类名来解决此问题,例如该方法def get_balance(self):