
时间:2017-11-11 20:08:54

标签: haskell


from models.scan import Scan
from models.ping import Ping

hosts = ""
input_hosts = Ping.prep_hosts(hosts)  # or Scan.prep_hosts(hosts)
pinger = Ping(ping_string, input_hosts)


data Exp = T | F | And Exp Exp | Or Exp Exp | Not Exp deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Read)


folde :: a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Exp -> a

作业要求folde :: a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Exp -> a folde t f a o n T = t folde t f a o n F = f folde t f a o n (And x y) = a (folde t f a o n x) (folde t f a o n y) folde t f a o n (Or x y) = o (folde t f a o n x) (folde t f a o n y) folde t f a o n (Not x) = n (folde t f a o n x) evbevi




Evi评估为整数,将evb :: Exp -> Bool evb = folde True False (&&) (||) not 视为TInt 1视为FInt 5视为And,{{1} } +Or为否定。



但是,我似乎无法理解如何解决Notevi :: Exp -> Int evi = folde 1 5 (+) (*) negate 应该计算树的高度。


作业说它应该将evhevh :: Exp -> Int视为高度T。 它继续F评估为1Not xheight x + 1And


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


作业说它应该将TF视为高度1。它继续Not x评估为height x + 1AndOr的最高子树高度为1


height T = 1
height F = 1
height (Not x) = height x + 1
height (And x y) = max (height x) (height y) + 1
height (Or  x y) = max (height x) (height y) + 1

现在,你如何用folde写这个?关于递归折叠的关键是folde为每个函数提供折叠所有子树的结果。当您folde And l r时,它首先折叠两个子树,然后将这些结果传递给folde的参数。因此,代替您手动调用height xfolde将为您计算并将其作为参数传递,因此您自己的工作最终会像\x y -> max x y + 1一样。本质上,将height拆分为5个定义,每个构造函数一个,而不是解构和递归子树,将子树的高度作为参数:

heightT = 1 -- height T = 1
heightF = 1 -- height F = 1
heightN x = x + 1 -- height (Not x) = height x + 1
heightA l r = max l r + 1 -- height (And l r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1
heightO l r = max l r + 1 -- height (Or  l r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1


height = folde 1 1  -- T F
               ao   -- And
               ao   -- Or
               (+1) -- Not
         where ao x y = max x y + 1

<小时/> 现在换新的东西!采用这个定义:

data ExpF a = T | F | Not a | And a a | Or a a
              deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)


T :: forall a. ExpF a
Not F :: forall a. ExpF (ExpF a)
And F (Not T) :: forall a. ExpF (ExpF (ExpF a))

如果你在上面的每一个中设置a = ExpF (ExpF (ExpF (ExpF (ExpF ...))))(在无限远处),你会发现它们都可以具有相同的类型:

T             :: ExpF (ExpF (ExpF ...))
Not F         :: ExpF (ExpF (ExpF ...))
And F (Not T) :: ExpF (ExpF (ExpF ...))


newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
-- Compare
-- Type  level: Fix f = f (Fix f)
-- Value level: fix f = f (fix f)
-- Fix ExpF = ExpF (ExpF (ExpF ...))
-- fix (1:) =    1:(   1:(  1: ...))
-- Recover original Exp
type Exp = Fix ExpF
-- Sprinkle Fix everywhere to make it work
Fix T :: Exp
Fix $ And (Fix T) (Fix $ Not $ Fix F) :: Exp
-- can also use pattern synonyms
pattern T' = Fix T
pattern F' = Fix F
pattern Not' t = Fix (Not t)
pattern And' l r = Fix (And l r)
pattern Or' l r = Fix (Or l r)
T' :: Exp
And' T' (Not' F') :: Exp


fold :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
fold alg (Fix ffix) = alg $ fold alg <$> ffix
-- ffix :: f (Fix f)
-- fold alg :: Fix f -> a
-- fold alg <$> ffix :: f a
-- ^ Hey, remember when I said folds fold the subtrees first?
-- Here you can see it very literally


height = fold $ \case -- LambdaCase extension: \case ... ~=> \fresh -> case fresh of ...
  T -> 1
  F -> 1
  Not x -> x + 1
  And x y -> max x y + 1
  Or  x y -> max x y + 1


height = fold $ option 0 (+1) . fmap getMax . foldMap (Option . Just . Max)
height $ Fix T -- 0
height $ Fix $ And (Fix T) (Fix $ Not $ Fix F) -- 2

请参阅recursion-schemes套餐,了解这些黑暗艺术。它还使得这类基本类型(如[])具有类型系列,并且不需要使用所述技巧+ {TH}来Fix所有内容。