打印1到N - 数字计数

时间:2017-11-10 07:12:44

标签: python python-3.x



打印1到N - 数字计数[ZOHO]


传递正整数N作为输入。如果我们打印所有的   数字从1到N连续,程序必须找到数字   字符(数字)C打印并打印计数C作为输出。






边界条件:1< = N< = 9999999






说明:我们打印12,因此总字符数是   2。


示例输入/输出2:输入:15 ​​




说明:我们打印123456789101112131415,因此总数   人物是21。


n = int(input())
assert 1<=n<=9999999
a = [str(i) for i in range(1,n+1)]
b = ''.join(a)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

由于这是一个 Math 问题,我最好使用更多数学方法,因为它会使用更少的内存并且效率会更高。


  1. 计算数字的长度。

    • 如果length = 1,则保证您拥有9x1个字符。
    • 如果length = 2,则保证您拥有9x1 + 90x2个字符。
    • 如果length = 3,则保证您拥有9x1 + 90x2 + 900x3个字符,等等......


  3. 对于其余部分,请举例12341234 - 1000 = 234数字 length =数字的长度。不,错误:234   +1 = 235个数字 length =数字的长度



n = input()
length = len(n)
x,s = 9,0
for i in range(1,length):
    x = x*10 # 9-> 90-> 900->
print(s+(int(n)-10**(length-1)+1)*length) # 234 + 1
#         1234 - 10^3
#            = 234            +1
#                          = 235 * 4(length) = ...
>>> 1234
>>>> 15

我也import time看到了效率。对于n=9999999,您的代码大约需要 3.26秒,而此代码需要 160-200 usec

答案 1 :(得分:1)



public func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    guard let applicationBundleId = options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String else {
        return true

    // Save your source application
    sourceApplicationBundleId = applicationBundleId
    return true

var sourceApplicationBundleId: String?

// Attempt to open application from which your app was opened
func openApplication() {
    guard let applicationBundleId = sourceApplicationBundleId, let url = url(for: applicationBundleId) else {
    UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

func url(for bundleId: String) -> URL? {
    guard let scheme = knownUrlSchemes[bundleId] else {
        return nil

    return URL(string: scheme)!

// A list of known url schemes
var knownUrlSchemes: Dictionary<String, String> = {
    return ["com.google.Maps": "comgooglemaps://",
            "com.facebook.Facebook": "fb://"]


def nlen_blender(n):
    return sum(len(str(i)) for i in range(1,n+1))

def nlen_miraj(n):
    length = len(str(n))
    x, s = 9, 0
    for i in range(1,length):
        s = s + x*i
        x = x*10 
    return s + (n - 10**(length-1) + 1) * length

def nlen_pm2r(n):
    digits = len(str(n))
    a = 10 ** (digits - 1) 
    return (n + 1) * digits - a - (a - 1) // 9

# test

funcs = (nlen_blender, nlen_miraj, nlen_pm2r)
data = (0, 1, 37, 563, 4285, 12900, 375462)
for n in data:
    for f in funcs:
        print('{:13}: {}'.format(f.__name__, f(n)))

n = 12398765434324
for f in (nlen_miraj, nlen_pm2r):

这是一个进行0 nlen_blender : 0 nlen_miraj : 0 nlen_pm2r : 0 1 nlen_blender : 1 nlen_miraj : 1 nlen_pm2r : 1 37 nlen_blender : 65 nlen_miraj : 65 nlen_pm2r : 65 563 nlen_blender : 1581 nlen_miraj : 1581 nlen_pm2r : 1581 4285 nlen_blender : 16033 nlen_miraj : 16033 nlen_pm2r : 16033 12900 nlen_blender : 53394 nlen_miraj : 53394 nlen_pm2r : 53394 375462 nlen_blender : 2141667 nlen_miraj : 2141667 nlen_pm2r : 2141667 12398765434324 162471604969439 162471604969439 测试的版本。正如您所看到的,消除timeit循环会加快速度,尤其是当for很大时。



from timeit import Timer

def nlen_miraj(n):
    length = len(str(n))
    x, s = 9, 0
    for i in range(1,length):
        s = s + x*i
        x = x*10 
    return s + (n - 10**(length-1) + 1) * length

def nlen_pm2r(n):
    digits = len(str(n))
    a = 10 ** (digits - 1) 
    return (n + 1) * digits - a - (a - 1) // 9

def time_test(num, loops):
    timings = []
    for func in funcs:
        t = Timer(lambda: func(num))
        result = sorted(t.repeat(3, loops))
        timings.append((result, func.__name__))
    for result, name in timings:
        print('{:13} : {}'.format(name, result))

funcs = (nlen_miraj, nlen_pm2r)
data = (0, 1, 37, 563, 4285, 12900, 375462, 12398765434324)

loops = 10000
for n in data:
    time_test(n, loops)

这些时间是在我在Debian衍生Linux上运行Python 3.6.0的旧2GHz 32位机器上获得的。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



我用以下脚本做了一些时间安排。随意修改INPUTSREPETITIONS。它需要一段时间,因为它正在执行REPETITIONS * len(INPUTS)次每个方法,len(INPUTS)倍OP的方法来验证结果。它计算样本的均值,中位数和标准差,并以漂亮的表格格式打印出来。如果要添加新方法,只需定义函数并将其包含在methods字典中。

# Values to test
INPUTS = [7, 9, 53, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999, 9999999]
# Number of repetitions

from timeit import default_timer as timer

def a(n): # Iterative method
    #n = input("Insert a number: ")
    start = timer()
    l = len(n)
    if l == 1: # Special case as int("9"*0) raises ValueError
        c = int(n)
        n, c = int(n), 9
        for i in range(2, n+1):
            if l == i:
                c += (n - int("9"*(i-1))) * i
            c += int("9"+ "0"*(i-1)) * i
    end = timer()
    return c, end - start

def b(n): # No-loop method
    #n = input("Insert a number: ")
    start = timer()
    l = len(n)
    n = int(n)
    aux = [9*10**i for i in range(l-1)]
    aux.append(n - sum(aux))
    c = sum((v*(i+1) for i, v in enumerate(aux)))
    end = timer()
    return c, end - start

def c(n): # Miraj50's method
    #n = input("Insert a number: ")
    start = timer()
    l = len(n)
    x, c = 9, 0
    for i in range(1, l):
        c = c + x*i
        x = x * 10
    c = c + (int(n) - 10**(l-1) + 1) * l
    end = timer()
    return c, end - start

def d(n): # Pm2 Ring's method
    #n = input("Insert a number: ")
    start = timer()
    l = len(n)
    a = 10 ** (l - 1) 
    c = (int(n) + 1) * l - a - (a - 1) // 9
    end = timer()
    return c, end - start

# Method mapper
methods = {
           'Adirio 1': a,
           'Adirio 2': b,
           'Miraj50' : c,
           'PM2 Ring': d,
methods_list = sorted(methods.keys())

# Calculate the results that are valid
results = []
for n in INPUTS:
    results.append(len(''.join(str(i) for i in range(1, n+1))))

# Calculate the results by the different methods
times = {}
for n, result in zip(INPUTS, results):
    t = {} # Store times
    for key in methods:
        aux1 = []
        for i in range(REPETITIONS):
            c, aux2 = methods[key](str(n))
            if c != result:
                raise ValueError("Method {} for n = {} yielded {} and {} was expected".format(key.upper(), n, c, result))
        mean = sum(aux1) / REPETITIONS
        if REPETITIONS % 2 == 0:
            median = (aux1[REPETITIONS//2 - 1] + aux1[REPETITIONS//2]) / 2
            median = aux1[(REPETITIONS-1)//2]
        std_dev = (sum((x-mean)**2 for x in aux1)/(REPETITIONS-1))**.5
        t[key] = {
            'mean': mean,
            'median': median,
            'std_dev': std_dev,
            'min': aux1[0],
            'max': aux1[-1],
    times[n] = t

# Print the results
for n, c in zip(INPUTS, results):
    print("N = {:<15}".format(n), end='')
    for method in methods_list:
        print("|{:^19}".format("Method {}".format(method)), end='')
    for metric in times[INPUTS[0]][methods_list[0]]:
        print(" {:<12} [us] ".format(metric), end='')
        for method in methods_list:
            print("| {:>17.2f} ".format(times[n][method][metric] *10**6), end='')


 N = 7             |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             12.76 |             14.95 |             13.49 |             13.13 
 min          [us] |             10.21 |             12.03 |             10.94 |             10.57 
 mean         [us] |             85.15 |             87.11 |             83.93 |             85.68 
 max          [us] |          35319.77 |          37254.20 |          35428.07 |          35010.91 
 std_dev      [us] |           1486.21 |           1480.59 |           1465.55 |           1483.09 

 N = 9             |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             12.76 |             14.95 |             13.49 |             13.13 
 min          [us] |             10.21 |             12.03 |             10.57 |             10.21 
 mean         [us] |             84.94 |             87.42 |             86.09 |             85.72 
 max          [us] |          34595.95 |          35712.49 |          36281.33 |          36368.85 
 std_dev      [us] |           1485.61 |           1486.80 |           1489.28 |           1482.85 

 N = 53            |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             13.86 |             15.32 |             13.86 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             10.94 |             12.03 |             10.94 |             10.94 
 mean         [us] |             85.93 |             88.38 |             85.41 |             85.91 
 max          [us] |          34776.45 |          38539.21 |          36581.07 |          36074.94 
 std_dev      [us] |           1477.20 |           1489.63 |           1477.41 |           1485.53 

 N = 99            |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             14.22 |             15.32 |             13.86 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             10.94 |             12.76 |             10.94 |             10.94 
 mean         [us] |             88.21 |             88.46 |             86.46 |             87.04 
 max          [us] |          40802.19 |          35949.14 |          36355.72 |          39536.51 
 std_dev      [us] |           1518.92 |           1489.06 |           1488.02 |           1525.52 

 N = 999           |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             14.59 |             16.04 |             14.22 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             12.03 |             13.13 |             11.30 |             10.57 
 mean         [us] |             87.68 |             88.48 |             86.96 |             85.81 
 max          [us] |          35570.64 |          36136.57 |          42908.73 |          36164.28 
 std_dev      [us] |           1488.79 |           1482.06 |           1489.39 |           1481.22 

 N = 9999          |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             15.32 |             16.41 |             14.22 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             12.40 |             13.49 |             11.67 |             10.57 
 mean         [us] |             88.06 |             88.91 |             86.78 |             85.58 
 max          [us] |          34688.20 |          34618.92 |          35010.55 |          40569.91 
 std_dev      [us] |           1478.79 |           1473.64 |           1495.85 |           1480.70 

 N = 99999         |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             16.04 |             17.14 |             14.59 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             13.13 |             14.22 |             11.67 |             10.94 
 mean         [us] |             89.44 |             89.79 |             88.20 |             86.94 
 max          [us] |          44273.23 |          42208.25 |          40763.54 |          37936.45 
 std_dev      [us] |           1497.36 |           1482.44 |           1512.71 |           1495.37 

 N = 999999        |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             16.41 |             17.50 |             14.59 |             13.49 
 min          [us] |             13.86 |             14.59 |             12.03 |             10.94 
 mean         [us] |             88.60 |             90.63 |             87.18 |             85.68 
 max          [us] |          35199.80 |          36482.62 |          48330.99 |          51652.53 
 std_dev      [us] |           1475.87 |           1485.87 |           1483.34 |           1491.72 

 N = 9999999       |  Method Adirio 1  |  Method Adirio 2  |  Method Miraj50   |  Method PM2 Ring  
 median       [us] |             17.14 |             17.87 |             14.95 |             13.86 
 min          [us] |             14.22 |             15.32 |             12.40 |             11.30 
 mean         [us] |             89.97 |             89.86 |             87.74 |             85.51 
 max          [us] |          35618.05 |          35605.65 |          36453.44 |          34081.07 
 std_dev      [us] |           1480.06 |           1467.89 |           1488.62 |           1475.57


在制表的5项措施中,您需要了解一些影响。由于OS的调度程序可能在算法中间执行不同的进程,因此某些时序具有相当大的错误,它们占用了他们真正需要的太多时间。这意味着max,或者考虑样本中所有值的均值和标准差给出的上限给出了不值得信赖的结果。最小值和中值都以不同的方式消除了这个真正长期的情况。基于中值和最小值的算法比较非常相似:所有算法都有类似的执行时间,@ PM2Ring版本稍快一些。