
时间:2017-11-09 21:22:06

标签: r dplyr rlang



#Prepare test data
test_data =
    data.frame(Gene_ID = rep(paste0("Gene.", 1:10), times=4),
               Comparison = rep(c("WT_vs_Mut1", "WT_vs_Mut2"), each=10, times=2),
               Test_method = rep(c("T-test", "MannWhitney"), each=20),
               P_value = runif(40))

#Perform operation manually
test_data %>% 
    #Start by binning the data according to q-value
    mutate(Probability.bin = cut(P_value,
                                 breaks = c(-Inf, seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1), Inf),
                                 labels = c(seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.1)),
                                 right = FALSE)) %>% 
    #Now summarize the results by bin.
    count(Comparison, Test_method, Probability.bin) %>% 
    #Fill in any missing bins with 0 counts
    complete(nesting(Comparison, Test_method), Probability.bin,
             fill=list(n = 0))

#Create function that accepts bare column names
bin_by_p_value <- function(df,
                           pvalue_col, #Bare name of p-value column
                           ...) {      #Bare names of grouping columns

    #"Quote" column names so they are ready for use below
    pvalue_col_name <- enquo(pvalue_col)
    group_by_cols <- quos(...)

    #Perform the operation
    df %>% 
        #Start by binning the data according to q-value
        mutate(Probability.bin = cut(UQ(pvalue_col_name),
                                     breaks = c(-Inf, seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1), Inf),
                                     labels = c(seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.1)),
                                     right = FALSE)) %>% 
        #Now summarize the results by bin.
        count(UQS(group_by_cols), Probability.bin) %>% 
        #Fill in any missing bins with 0 counts
        complete(nesting(UQS(group_by_cols)), Probability.bin,
                 # complete(nesting(UQS(group_by_cols)), Probability.bin,
                 fill=list(n = 0))

#Use function to perform operation
test_data %>% 
    bin_by_p_value(P_value, Comparison, Test_method)



overscope_eval_next(overscope,expr)出错:       对象'比较'未找到


complete(nesting(UQS(group_by_cols)), Probability.bin...



        #Fill in any missing bins with 0 counts
        unite(Merged_grouping_cols, UQS(group_by_cols), sep="*") %>% 
        complete(Merged_grouping_cols, Probability.bin,
                 fill=list(n = 0)) %>%
        separate(Merged_grouping_cols, into=c("What goes here?"), sep="\\*")



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  • {{}} 使用 curl-curly pvalue_col
  • 将点 (...) 直接传递给 count
  • ensyms 中使用 !!!nesting
bin_by_p_value <- function(df,
                           pvalue_col, #Bare name of p-value column
                           ...) {      #Bare names of grouping columns
  #Perform the operation
  df %>% 
    #Start by binning the data according to q-value
    mutate(Probability.bin = cut({{pvalue_col}},
                                 breaks = c(-Inf, seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1), Inf),
                                 labels = c(seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.1)),
                                 right = FALSE)) %>% 
    #Now summarize the results by bin.
    count(..., Probability.bin) %>% 
    #Fill in any missing bins with 0 counts
    complete(nesting(!!!ensyms(...)), Probability.bin,   fill=list(n = 0))

test_data %>% bin_by_p_value(P_value, Comparison, Test_method)

# A tibble: 44 x 4
#   Comparison Test_method Probability.bin     n
#   <chr>      <chr>       <fct>           <dbl>
# 1 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0                   1
# 2 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.1                 1
# 3 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.2                 0
# 4 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.3                 1
# 5 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.4                 1
# 6 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.5                 1
# 7 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.6                 0
# 8 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.7                 0
# 9 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.8                 1
#10 WT_vs_Mut1 MannWhitney 0.9                 4
# … with 34 more rows


identical(res, test_data %>% bin_by_p_value(P_value, Comparison, Test_method))
#[1] TRUE