我的脚本的以下本机功能确实从我的文章中删除了一些内容,例如bbcodes,html标签和http或https网站,我想修改它以便它除去除“{{ {3}}”。
function _bbcode_strip($text)
static $patterns = array();
if ($this->tp_bbcode)
// use text inside [topicpreview] bbcode as the topic preview
if (preg_match('#\[(topicpreview[^\[\]]+)\].*\[/\1\]#Usi', $text, $matches))
$text = $matches[0];
$text = smiley_text($text, true); // display smileys as text :)
$text = ($this->tp_line_breaks ? str_replace("\n", ' ', $text) : $text); // preserve line breaks
// Loop through text stripping inner most nested BBCodes until all have been removed
$regex = '#\[(' . $this->strip_bbcodes . ')[^\[\]]+\]((?:(?!\[\1[^\[\]]+\]).)+)\[\/\1[^\[\]]+\]#Usi';
while(preg_match($regex, $text))
$text = preg_replace($regex, '', $text);
if (empty($patterns))
$patterns = array(
'#<!-- [lmw] --><a class="postlink[^>]*>(.*<\/a[^>]*>)?<!-- [lmw] -->#Usi', // Magic URLs
'#<[^>]*>(.*<[^>]*>)?#Usi', // HTML code
'#\[/?[^\[\]]+\]#mi', // Strip all bbcode tags
'#(http|https|ftp|mailto)(:|\&\#58;)\/\/[^\s]+#i', // Strip remaining URLs
'#"#', // Possible quotes from older board conversions
'#[\s]+#' // Multiple spaces
return trim(preg_replace($patterns, ' ', $text));
'#<!-- [lmw] --><a class="postlink[^>]*>(.*<\/a[^>]*>)?<!-- [lmw] -->#Usi', // Magic URLs
'#<[^>]*>(.*<[^>]*>)?#Usi', // HTML code
'#\[/?[^\[\]]+\]#mi', // Strip all bbcode tags
'#(http|https|ftp|mailto)(:|\&\#58;)\/\/[^\s]+#i', // Strip remaining URLs
'#"#', // Possible quotes from older board conversions
'#[\s]+#' // Multiple spaces