将word doc转换为TEXT pdf powershell

时间:2017-11-08 18:18:22

标签: powershell pdf scripting ms-word automation



$Path = "SomePath"
$OutPath = "SomePath"
$Ftype = $Path + "*.doc"
$NewSuffix = ".pdf"
##  invoke WORD application
$word_app = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$word_app.visible = $False
##   Get the files from the folder
$files = Get-ChildItem $Ftype
##   process each file - open in WORD and save as PDF in output folder
##   then delete original WORD file
write-host "Starting DOC Conversion"
ForEach ($file in $files) { 
    $d2 = $file.name
    $Out = $OutPath + $d2 -replace ".doc", $NewSuffix
    #$Out = $Out -replace '\s',''
    $LogLine = "Converting from " + $file.fullname + " to " + $Out
    $LogLine >>'C:\temp\WordPDF.LOG'
    write-host $LogLine
    $document = $word_app.Documents.Open($file.fullname)
    $document.SaveAs($Out, 17)
    $Dcounter = $Dcounter + 1
    $Wcounter = $Wcounter + 1
    if ($Deletefiles) {
        Remove-Item $file 
        write-host "Deleting " $file.fullname

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