
时间:2017-11-08 11:20:59

标签: haskell types ghc dependent-type data-kinds




type Number = Rational

data Currency = USD | EUR | GBP

data Value = Value Number Currency

-- I can have this
type ConversionRate = (Currency, Currency, Number)

conversionRates :: [ConversionRate]
conversionRates = [(GBP, EUR, 1.2)]

-- This is not typesafe and would allow summing different currencies
sumValue :: Value -> Value -> Value
sumValue = undefined

-- This is also not typesafe
convert :: ConversionRate -> Value -> Currency -> Maybe Value
convert = undefined


{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

type Number = Rational

data USD = USD
data EUR = EUR
data GBP = GBP

class Currency a

instance Currency USD
instance Currency EUR
instance Currency GBP

data Value a where
    Value :: Currency a => a -> Value a

data ConversionRate a b where
    ConversionRate :: (Currency a, Currency b) => Number -> ConversionRate a b

-- Now I can have type-safe currency operations
sumValue :: Currency a => Value a -> Value a
sumValue = undefined

-- And I can make sure my conversions make sense
convert :: ConversionRate a b -> Value a -> b
convert = undefined

-- But I can't hold a list of conversion rates that I can easily manipulate
type ConversionRates = ??



{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
type Number = Rational

data Symbol = USD | EUR | GBP

data Dollar = Dollar
data Euro = Euro
data Pound = Pound

class Currency a where
    toSymbol :: a -> Symbol

instance Currency Dollar where toSymbol _ = USD
instance Currency Euro where toSymbol _ = EUR
instance Currency Pound where toSymbol _ = GBP

data Wrapper = forall a. Currency a => Wrapper a

toCurrency :: Symbol -> Wrapper

如何在某些功能中使用类型安全性以及在其他功能中使用相同类型值的方便性? 。看起来像是DataKinds的工作,但我看不出它有什么帮助。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables,
  AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

module Currency where

type Number = Rational


data Currency = USD | EUR | GBP


-- Singleton type for Currency
data SCurrency (cur :: Currency) where
    S_USD :: SCurrency 'USD
    S_EUR :: SCurrency 'EUR
    S_GBP :: SCurrency 'GBP


-- Helper class
class CCurrency (cur :: Currency) where
    sing :: SCurrency cur
instance CCurrency 'USD where sing = S_USD
instance CCurrency 'EUR where sing = S_EUR
instance CCurrency 'GBP where sing = S_GBP


-- Like (==), but working on potentially different types
sameCur :: SCurrency cur1 -> SCurrency cur2 -> Bool
sameCur S_USD S_USD = True
sameCur S_EUR S_EUR = True
sameCur S_GBP S_GBP = True
sameCur _     _     = False

理想情况下,我们应该sameCur :: SCurrency cur1 -> SCurrency cur2 -> Either (cur1 :~: cur2) ((cur1 :~: cur2) -> Void),但布尔值足以达到我们的目的。


data Value (cur :: Currency) =  Value Number


data AnyValue where
    AnyValue :: CCurrency cur => Value cur -> AnyValue


data ConversionRate where
    CR :: SCurrency cur1 -> SCurrency cur2 -> Number -> ConversionRate

conversionRates :: [ConversionRate]
conversionRates = [CR S_GBP S_EUR 1.2]


sumValue :: Value cur -> Value cur -> Value cur
sumValue (Value x) (Value y) = Value (x+y)


convert :: forall newCur. CCurrency newCur =>
        -> AnyValue
        -> Maybe (Value newCur)
convert (CR old new rate) (AnyValue (Value val :: Value cur)) =
    if sameCur old (sing @ cur) && sameCur new (sing @ newCur)
    then Just $ Value $ val*rate
    else Nothing

convert' :: forall oldCur newCur. (CCurrency oldCur, CCurrency newCur) =>
         -> Value oldCur
         -> Maybe (Value newCur)
convert' cr val = convert cr (AnyValue val)