
时间:2017-11-08 08:04:40

标签: c++ powershell

我正在使用{ "questions": [ { "questionId": "1", "questionText": "Create a function named \"add\" that adds 2 parameters", "testCase": "3,5", "expectedReturn": "8" "difficulty":"hard" "type":"general" }, { "questionId": "12", "questionText": "Write a function named \"subtract\" that takes two integers, and subtracts the second from the first.", "testCase": "10,3", "expectedReturn": "7" "difficulty":"medium" "type":"math" }, { "questionId": "88", "questionText": "Write a function named \"reverse\" that takes one parameter, a string t, and returns the string backwards.", "testCase": "hello", "expectedReturn": "olleh" "difficulty":"easy" "type":"string" }, { "questionId": "89", "questionText": "Write a function called \"greeting\" that takes in one string parameter, name, and returns the string \"Hello \" followed by the name.", "testCase": "Bob", "expectedReturn": "Hello Bob" "difficulty":"hard" "type":"for loop" //doesn't make sense, but just as an example }, { "questionId": "90", "questionText": "Write a function named isEvenOrOdd that takes in an integer n, and returns \"even\" if it is even, and \"odd\" if it is odd.", "testCase": "12", "expectedReturn": "even" }, { "questionId": "93", "questionText": "Write a function named \"addFiveDivideFive\" that takes in 5 integer parameters, adds them all together, and divides the sum by 5. Return this quotient.", "testCase": "10,5,15,25,35,50", "expectedReturn": "28" }, { "questionId": "94", "questionText": "Write a function called findLength that takes in a string parameter t, and returns the length of that string.", "testCase": "helloworld", "expectedReturn": "10" "difficulty":"easy" "type":"general" }, { "questionId": "95", "questionText": "Write a function named multiply that takes in two integers, and returns the product", "testCase": "3,5", "expectedReturn": "15" "difficulty":"hard" "type":"math" } ] } 从C ++代码运行PowerShell脚本。




CString sysCommand;
sysCommand.Format(_T("powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted /C %s 
%s"), psFile, parameter);

0 个答案:
