Heritrix 3.2.0无法找到文件并且无法执行

时间:2017-11-08 02:23:28

标签: java heritrix

我尝试使用Heritrix 3.2.0并按照herehere2提供的步骤操作。但每次我尝试执行如下命令:

$HERITRIX_HOME/bin/heritrix --help  
$HERITRIX_HOME/bin/heritrix --webui-admin PASSWORD  


ls: not possible to access 'heritrix-3.2.0/lib/*.jar': File or directory not found.
heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 126: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 127: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 128: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 129: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 130: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
Qua Nov  8 00:18:07 BRST 2017 Heritrix starting (pid 6720)heritrix-3.2.0/bin/heritrix: line 140: heritrix-3.2.0/heritrix_out.log: File or directory not found
ERROR: JVM terminated without running Heritrix.
This could be due to invalid JAVA_OPTS or JMX_PORT, etc.
See heritrix_out.log for more details.
Here are its last three lines: 

尾巴:无法打开' heritrix-3.2.0 / heritrix_out.log'用于阅读。未找到文件或目录

我没有安装java这是必需的,例如:java -version不返回任何内容,但我下载并解压缩jre-8u151-linux-x64并将此文件夹设置为{{1 }}。这可能是问题吗?

实际上,提取的$JAVA_HOME并未附带3.2.0 version个文件,只有heritrix_out.log版本(最初工作,现在它不再有效)。我试图将该文件从3.1复制到3.2文件夹,但仍然存在相同的错误。



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