PHP显示50个记录的odbc_fetch_row然后显示X + 50

时间:2017-11-07 15:11:26

标签: php sql



我可以在屏幕上轻松显示50条记录。不幸的是,记录在白天可以从1到300不等(订单/运输数据)。 我正在寻找一种动态的方式来显示前50个记录30秒,然后是接下来的50个30秒等等......然后在循环结束时刷新页面以拉出新的数据集并从1开始。


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$server="Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};System=server";
$user="username"; #a valid username that will connect to the DB
$pass="password"; #a password for the username

$conn=odbc_connect($server,$user,$pass); #you may have to remove quotes

#Check Connection
if ($conn == false) {
echo "Not able to connect to database...<br>";

#Query the Database into a result set - 
select * from table");

if (!$result)
  {exit("Error in SQL");}

echo "<table class='auto-style2' style='width: 800px'><tr><td class='auto-style1'>Shipment Number</td><td class='auto-style1'>Shipment Date</td><td class='auto-style1'>End customer order number</td><td class='auto-style1'>Qty</td></tr>";

while (odbc_fetch_row($result))


  echo "    <tr><td class='auto-style1'>$b</td>";
  echo "        <td class='auto-style1'>$c</td>";
  echo "        <td class='auto-style1'>$d</td>";
  echo "        <td class='auto-style1'>$e</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

#close the connection


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