Select2 rails不适用于form_for中的select_tag

时间:2017-11-07 10:48:19

标签: javascript ruby-on-rails jquery-select2

我正在使用rails 5 app。我正在尝试使用 jquery-select2 异步加载pgsql数据,数据在搜索时完全加载。但问题是,我想在选择单选按钮时显示select2标签。我有两个[单选按钮] [1]。单选按钮的代码如下 `

<%= radio_button(:new, :agent, :yes, { required: true, checked: true, 
     class: 'invite-rb' }) %>
<%= label_tag :new_agent_yes, 'New Agent' %>
<%= radio_button(:new, :agent, :no, { required: true, class: 'invite-rb' }) %>
<%= label_tag :new_agent_no, 'Existing Agent' %>`

我想在用户点击现有代理时显示select2框。但是jquery-select2不适用于选择框。 这是 agent.js


$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
  $('.invite-rb').change(function() {
    if(this.value == 'yes'){ //when i change this value to 'no' every thing works perfectly but not working with this condition 
      $('#agent_first_name, #agent_last_name, #agent_email, #agency_code, #agent_code').attr('required', true)
      $('#agent_first_name, #agent_last_name, #agent_email, #agent_agency_code, #agent_agent_code').removeAttr('required')
      $('#agents').attr('required', true)

        minimumInputLength: 2,
        placeholder: "Search by Agency code, agent code, name or email",
        ajax: {
          url: "/dashboard/agent_invitations/search_agents",
          dataType: 'json',
          type: 'GET',
          data: function (term) {
            return { q: term }
          processResults: function (data) {
            return { results: data.results }


agent.js [1]:

0 个答案:
