
时间:2017-11-07 10:35:23

标签: csv vbscript


Time    a     b     c
0      2.9   1.6   4.1
0      3.6   1.1   0.5
0      3.4   0.2   1.7
1.2    0.1   4.2   1.9
1.201  2.3   3.1   4.8
9.99   0.2   0.8   1.2
10     3.1   3.3   2.3
10     3.6   3.5   3.0
10.01  1.1   4.5   3.9
10.01  2.2   3.0   2.3
17     4.3   2.3   3.8
20     1.0   3.2   3.0
30     4.1   3.0   4.9
40     3.8   3.3   1.6


  1. 只需要考虑时间为10的倍数的行
  2. 如果多行具有相同的时间戳,则取不同行中每列的平均值
  3. 这是我想要的输出:

    Time    a     b     c
    0      3.3   0.97  2.1
    10     2.04  3.02  2.54
    20     1.0   3.2   3.0
    30     4.1   3.0   4.9
    40     3.8   3.3   1.6


    这是我的第一次天真尝试。它非常差,工作不正常。 (小幅度说明:平均值不是真正的平均值,而是一种奇怪的“平均值”。在这里跟我说,我试图评估工作流程,并且在这个阶段并不真正关心数字。)

    filename = "test"
    sampling_time = 10.0
    tolerance = 1e-1
    Dim FSO, input, output
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    'Create the objects
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set input = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename & ".csv", ForReading, False)
    Set output = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename & "_output.csv", ForWriting, True)
    'First line: write headers
    s = input.ReadLine()
    output.WriteLine s
    'Second line: initialize sSplit_old
    s = input.ReadLine()
    sSplit = Split(s, ",")
    sSplit_old = sSplit
    'Keep reading...
    Do Until input.AtEndOfStream
        'read new line and split it into its components
        'this is needed to read the first element of the line, i.e. the time
        s = input.ReadLine()
        sSplit = Split(s, ",")
        'If the remainder of time/sampling_time is below the tolerance then the
        'line has to be processed.
        'Here the "\" operator (i.e. the integer division: 5\2=2, while 5/2=2.5)
        'is used as the "Mod" operator return integer remainders.
        If CDbl(sSplit(0))-sampling_time*(CDbl(sSplit(0))\sampling_time) < tolerance Then
            'If the current time is close to the previous one (within a tolerance)...
            If Abs(CDbl(sSplit(0))-CDbl(sSplit_old(0))) < tolerance Then
                '... cycle through the arrays and store the average
                For i = 0 To UBound(sSplit)
                    sSplit_old(i) = (CDbl(sSplit(i)) + CDbl(sSplit_old(i))) / 2.0
                '... otherwise just write the previous time and save the current
                'one to compare it to the next one
                s = Join(sSplit_old, ",")
                output.WriteLine s
                sSplit_old = sSplit
            End If
        End If
    output.WriteLine s

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Option Explicit

Dim db : Set db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim dd : dd = "E:\work\proj\soa\47155733\data"
Dim cs
If "AMD64" = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%") Then
   cs = "Driver=Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv);Dbq=" & dd & ";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;"
   WScript.Echo "64 Bit:", cs
   cs = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" & dd & ";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;"
   WScript.Echo "32 Bit:", cs
End If
db.Open cs

Dim ss : ss = "SELECT * FROM [47155733.txt]"
WScript.Echo ss
WScript.Echo db.Execute(ss).GetString(2,,vbTab,vbCrlf,"*")

ss =   "SELECT t, avg(a), avg(b), avg(c) FROM [47155733.txt]" _
     & " WHERE t = Int(t) And 0.0 = t Mod 10 GROUP BY t"
WScript.Echo ss
WScript.Echo db.Execute(ss).GetString(2,,vbTab,vbCrlf,"*")

ss = "SELECT Round(1/3, 3)"
WScript.Echo ss
WScript.Echo db.Execute(ss).GetString(2,,vbTab,vbCrlf,"*")


cscript 47155733.vbs
SELECT * FROM [47155733.txt]
0       2,9     1,6     4,1
0       3,6     1,1     0,5
0       3,4     0,2     1,7
1,2     0,1     4,2     1,9
1,201   2,3     3,1     4,8
9,99    0,2     0,8     1,2
10      3,1     3,3     2,3
10      3,6     3,5     3
10,01   1,1     4,5     3,9
10,01   2,2     3       2,3
17      4,3     2,3     3,8
20      1       3,2     3
30      4,1     3       4,9
40      3,8     3,3     1,6

SELECT t, avg(a), avg(b), avg(c) FROM [47155733.txt] WHERE t = Int(t) And 0.0 = t Mod 10 GROUP BY t
0       3,3     0,966666666666667       2,1
10      3,35    3,4     2,65
20      1       3,2     3
30      4,1     3       4,9
40      3,8     3,3     1,6

SELECT Round(1/3, 3)

在Windows 10上测试32位和64位;德国语言。我更喜欢在schema.ini文件中指定文件格式:

Col1=t Double
Col2=a Double
Col3=b Double
Col4=c Double


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