我第一次碰到了这个Openerp向导,而且一旦你点击" Done"我就知道了。按钮,您无法编辑已保存的内容。 我需要做的是,一旦你找回它,就可以为某些状态编辑该向导。
<button name="action_call_questions" string="Start" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
def action_call_questions(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Open Browse Response wizard. if you select only survey_id then this wizard open with all response_ids and
if you select survey_id and response_id then open the particular response of the survey.
if context is None: context = {}
record = self.read(cr, uid, ids, [])
record = record and record[0] or {}
if record['response_id']:
res_id = [(record.get('response_id') and record['response_id'][0])]
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
res_id = sur_response_obj.search(cr, uid, [('survey_id', '=', record['survey_id'][0])])
context.update({'active' : True,'survey_id' : record['survey_id'][0], 'response_id' : res_id, 'response_no' : 0})
search_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
search_id = search_obj.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','survey.question.wiz'),('name','=','Survey Search')])
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'context' : context