如何从这段代码中创建一个循环我发现很难对这段代码进行循环,我试图尽可能地使用循环,但是我陷入了无限循环。 这是原始代码。
section .rodata
prompt1 db "Please enter a number: ",0 ; 0 is null character
prompt2 db "Enter another number: ",0
format_str db "The sum is: %ld.",10,0 ; 10 is LF
num_format db "%ld",0
section .text
global main ; main and _start are both valid entry points
extern printf, scanf ; these will be linked in from glibc
; prologue
push rbp ; save base pointer to the stack
mov rbp, rsp ; base pointer = stack pointer
sub rsp, 80 ; make room for integers on the stack
push rbx ; push callee saved registers onto the stack
push r12 ; push automatically decrements stack pointer
push r13
push r14
push r15
pushfq ; push register flags onto the stack
;move rdx, 0
sub rbp, 8
; prompt for first integer
mov rdi, dword prompt1 ; double word is 4 bytes; a word is 2 bytes
xor rax, rax ; rax is return value register - zero it out
call printf ; call the C function from glibc
lea rsi, [rbp] ; load effective address - this instruction
mov rdi, dword num_format ; load rdi with address to format string
xor rax, rax ; zero out return value register
call scanf ; call C function
; scanf reads the input as an integer
sub ax, ax
;mov rdx, 0
;mov rdx, 0
jmp ask
add ax, 1
sub rbp, 8
; prompt for other integer
mov rdi, dword prompt2
xor rax, raxlea rsi, [rbp] ; read number
call printf
lea rsi, [rbp]
mov rdi, dword num_format
xor rax, rax
call scanf
cmp ax, 9
je sum
jmp ask
; add all numbers together
xor rbx, rbx ; sum = 0
mov rcx, [rbp-8] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-16] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-24] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-32] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-40] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-48] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-56] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-64] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-72] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rcx, [rbp-80] ; RBX = number
add rbx, rcx ; add num + num - store in rbx
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, dword format_str
xor rax, rax ; rax is return value register - zero it out
call printf ; call the C function from glibc
; epilogue
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
add rsp, 80 ; set back the stack level
add ax, 1
sub rbp, 8
; prompt for other integer
mov rdi, dword prompt2
xor rax, rax
call printf
lea rsi, [rbp] ; read number
mov rdi, dword num_format
xor rax, rax
call scanf
cmp ax, 9
je sum
jmp ask