
时间:2017-11-05 16:57:51

标签: python c testing scripting subprocess


// show html page for user selected row
// var i =  the user selected row from the previous HTML page
function myFunction2(i) {
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index2').setWidth(800).setHeight(600);

  //I know the value is being correctly delivered here because
  //it is being dumped out at the bottom of the page with this code
  row = ['RowPicked', i];//This is not html
  html.append(row);//This appends more html to the outout so it needs to be properly formatted html not google apps script code.
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Update Selected Row');


subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command Command '['./parallel_snake', 'input/input1', 'output/output1', '20000']' returned non-zero exit status -11 



p = subprocess.check_output(["./parallel_snake", "input/" + input_file, "output/" + input_file.replace("in", "out"), "20000"])

parallel_snake C程序的输入:

input_files = [f for f in listdir("input")]
num_threads = [2, 4, 6, 8]

for input_file in input_files:
    print "Checking " + input_file + "\n"
    for num in num_threads:
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(num)
        p = subprocess.check_output(["./parallel_snake", "input/" + input_file, "output/" + input_file.replace("in", "out"), "20000"])
        print "\t" + str(num) + " threads: " + str(p)

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