我在Swift程序中使用最新版本的Core Plot。该图表没有问题,并显示以下
我已经测试了plotspace变量并且它们是钱,Y轴的最小值/最大值是预期的,并且通过下面显示的委托函数的X / Y坐标[number()和numberOfRecords()]是预期的。我不确定核心情节中的是什么会驱使这种行为。
// Delegate functions for Core Plot
func numberOfRecords(for plot: CPTPlot) -> UInt {
numberOfRecordsToBeDisplayedOnGraph = UInt(arrayOfCommanderProgress.count)
return numberOfRecordsToBeDisplayedOnGraph // this needs to represent the number of records to be displayed on the graph
func number(for plot: CPTPlot, field fieldEnum: UInt, record idx: UInt) -> Any? {
let index = Int(numberOfRecordsToBeDisplayedOnGraph - idx) - 1
switch CPTScatterPlotField(rawValue: Int(fieldEnum))! {
case .X:
let xCoord = (arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].timeStamp.convertDateStringToDateObject()).timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
return xCoord
case .Y:
var yCoord = Double()
if fieldEnum == 1 {
switch graphToDisplay {
case graphCombat:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].combat)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].combat)))
case graphTrade:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].trade)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].trade)))
case graphExploration:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].explore)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].explore)))
case graphFederation:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].federation)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].federation)))
case graphEmpire:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].empire)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].empire)))
case graphCQC:
yCoord = (Double(self.arrayOfCommanderProgress[index].cQC)) + (100.0 * (Double(arrayOfRankProgress[index].cQC)))
return yCoord
// Funtions to set up the graphView and plots
func configureLineGraph() {
// Plotline variables for scatterplot
let plotLineTotal = CPTScatterPlot()
let areaGradient:CPTGradient = CPTGradient(beginning: CPTColor.clear(), ending: CPTColor(componentRed: 150/255.0, green: 180/255.0, blue: 200/255.0, alpha: 0.9))
areaGradient.angle = 90.0
let areaGradientFill:CPTFill = CPTFill(gradient: areaGradient)
// Set up plot lines for each type of total to be graphed
plotLineTotal.areaFill = areaGradientFill
// set up plotline characteristics
let plotLineType = CPTMutableLineStyle()
plotLineType.lineColor = CPTColor.darkGray()
// establish a reference to the graph custom view
guard let graph = graphView.hostedGraph else { return }
// Add additional plotlines to the plots Array if needed
let plots = [plotLineTotal]
for plot in plots {
plot.dataSource = self
plot.delegate = self
plot.areaBaseValue = CPTDecimalFromInteger(0) as NSNumber
plot.dataLineStyle = plotLineType
graph.add(plot, to: graph.defaultPlotSpace)