我目前正在为excel编写VBA并获得1004:"该命令不能用于多个选择"。我的代码选择excel文件中的多个列(非连续)并将它们作为范围结合。然后它将范围和粘贴复制到另一个工作表上。我有一些Subs用于不同的报告。第一个报告运行得很好,但是当第二个报告尝试运行时,我得到了运行时错误。当我选择" Debug"它需要我到range.copy行。
In [32]: df.assign(k=0) \
.merge(df.assign(k=0), on='k', suffixes=['1','2']) \
.query("id1 == parent_id2")
id1 parent_id1 k id2 parent_id2
1 1 0 2 1
6 1 0 7 1
8 1 0 9 1
14 2 1 0 3 2
15 2 1 0 4 2
40 4 2 0 5 4
41 4 2 0 6 4
79 7 1 0 8 7
105 9 1 0 10 9
107 9 1 0 12 9
118 10 9 0 11 10
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub RunReports()
Set wbMaster = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsSheet = wbMaster.Sheets("Part x Part Matrix")
With wsSheet
if .AutoFilterMode then .AutoFilterMode = False
SetRanges .cells(1).parent
End With
End Sub
Sub SetRanges(ws as worksheet)
with ws
Set rngPartNumber = .Range("C:C")
Set rngPartName = .Range("H:H")
Set rngSupplier = .Range("Q:R")
Set rngTPRStatus = .Range("X:Y")
Set rngOffTool = .Range("Z1", .Range("AC1").End(xlDown))
Set rngExceptionNotes = .Range("AH1", .Range("AH1").End(xlDown))
Set rngMRD = .Range("AI1", .Range("AK1").End(xlDown))
end with
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
在the answer的Thomas Inzina上构建,以下代码将复制非连续数据,而不复制不属于联合的单元格。
Sub CopyAreas(ByVal Source As Range, _
ByVal Target As Range, _
Optional ByVal Inline As Boolean)
Dim area As Range
If Inline Then
For Each area In Source.Areas
area.Copy Destination:=Target
Set Target = Target.Offset(area.Rows.Count)
'Find the top-most and left-most cell in the Source
Dim Topmost As Long, Leftmost As Long
For Each area In Source.Areas
If Topmost = 0 Then
Topmost = area.Row
Leftmost = area.Column
If Topmost > area.Row Then Topmost = area.Row
If Leftmost > area.Column Then Leftmost = area.Column
End If
'Copy each area to a location offset from the target, such that
'the topmost cell will be in the row defined by Target and
'the leftmost cell will be in the column defined by Target
For Each area In Source.Areas
area.Copy Destination:=Target.Range(area.Address).Offset(1 - Topmost, 1 - Leftmost)
End If
End Sub