
时间:2017-11-02 19:01:53

标签: coq termination


Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Record C a := {  P : a -> bool }.

Arguments P {_}.

Definition list_P {a} (a_C : C a) : list a -> bool := existsb (P a_C).

Definition list_C  {a} (a_C : C a) : C (list a) := {| P := list_P a_C |}.

(* Note that *)
Eval cbn in       fun a C => (P (list_C C)).
(* evaluates to:  fun a C  => list_P C *)

Inductive tree a := Node : a -> list (tree a) -> tree a.

(* Works, using a local record *)
Fixpoint tree_P1 {a} (a_C : C a) (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C := Build_C _ (tree_P1 a_C) in
    let list_C' := Build_C _ (list_P tree_C) in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P a_C x) (P list_C' ts) end.

(* Works too, using list_P directly *)
Fixpoint tree_P2 {a} (a_C : C a) (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C := Build_C _ (tree_P2 a_C) in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P a_C x) (list_P tree_C ts) end.

(* Does not work, using a globally defined record. Why not? *)
Fixpoint tree_P3 {a} (a_C : C a) (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C := Build_C _ (tree_P3 a_C) in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P a_C x) (P (list_C tree_C) ts) end.


但这似乎只有在本地构建记录(let tree_C :=…)时才有效,而不是使用Definition定义记录。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




但是,终止检查程序不会展开match … with条款中的适用定义,例如list_C。这是一个最小的例子:

(* works *)
Fixpoint foo1 (n : nat) : nat :=
  let t := Some True in 
  match Some True with | Some True => 0
                       | None => foo1 n end.

(* works *)
Fixpoint foo2 (n : nat) : nat :=
  let t := Some True in 
  match t with | Some True => 0
               | None => foo2 n end.

(* does not work *)
Definition t := Some True.

Fixpoint foo3 (n : nat) : nat :=
  match t with | Some True => 0
               | None => foo3 n end.


Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Record C_dict a := {  P' : a -> bool }.

Definition C a : Type := forall r, (C_dict a -> r) -> r.

Definition P {a} (a_C : C a) : a -> bool :=
  a_C _ (P' _).

Definition list_P {a} (a_C : C a) : list a -> bool := existsb (P a_C).

Definition list_C  {a} (a_C : C a) : C (list a) :=
   fun _ k => k {| P' := list_P a_C |}.

Inductive tree a := Node : a -> list (tree a) -> tree a.

(* Works now! *)
Fixpoint tree_P1 {a} (a_C : C a) (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C := fun _ k => k (Build_C_dict _ (tree_P1 a_C)) in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P a_C x) (P (list_C tree_C) ts) end.


Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Record C_dict a := {  P' : a -> bool }.

Definition C a : Type := forall r, (C_dict a -> r) -> r.
Existing Class C.

Definition P {a} {a_C : C a} : a -> bool := a_C _ (P' _).

Definition list_P {a} `{C a} : list a -> bool := existsb P.

Instance list_C  {a} (a_C : C a) : C (list a) :=
   fun _ k => k {| P' := list_P |}.

Inductive tree a := Node : a -> list (tree a) -> tree a.

(* Works now! *)
Fixpoint tree_P1 {a} (a_C : C a) (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C : C (tree a) := fun _ k => k (Build_C_dict _ (tree_P1 a_C)) in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P x) (P ts) end.

答案 1 :(得分:1)



Fixpoint tree_P1' {a} `{C a} (t : tree a) : bool :=
    let tree_C := Build_C _ tree_P1' in
    match t with Node _ x ts => orb (P x) (@P _ (* mark *) _ ts) end.

在此定义中,注释(* mark *)之后所需的类实例由第7行的定义填充。但此定义位于fix构造之外且不会减少通过终止检查器以相同的方式。因此,未应用于任何树参数的tree_P1'的出现将保留在代码中,并且终止检查器将无法确定此出现仅用于小于最初的论点。
