Grav CMS:从本机PHP在调试栏中输出消息

时间:2017-11-02 18:13:20

标签: twig grav


{% set imgpath = page.header.custom.bgimage|first.path %}
<div class="thumb" style="background-image: url({{ url(imgpath|resize(240)) }})"></div>

到目前为止效果很好,但是在更改页面顺序时遇到了一些错误。我想使用Grav Debug Bar进行调试,因为它非常方便,可以保持代码清洁。

在Twig内,您只需使用{{ dump(message) }} 不幸的是,调整大小的过程发生在本机PHP中,所以我需要一种方法将消息从PHP输出到Grav调试栏
如上所述inside the Docs,您可以使用$grav['debugger']->addMessage($this)

调用resize Twig过滤器时会抛出错误:

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Undefined variable: grav").


<?php namespace Grav\Common;

use \Grav\Common\Grav;
use \Grav\Common\Page\Page;
use \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ResourceLocator\UniformResourceLocator;
use \Eventviva\ImageResize;

include_once getcwd().'/user/plugins/resizer/lib/ImageResize.php';

class TwigResizerFilters extends \Twig_Extension
    private $grav;

    public function __construct() {
            $this->grav = Grav::instance();

    public function getName() {
        return 'TwigResizeFilters';

    public function getFilters() {
        return [
            new \Twig_SimpleFilter( 'resize', [$this, 'resizeImage'] )

    public function resizeImage($mediapath, $maxWidth = 1920) {

        if (file_exists($mediapath)) {
            // if file exists

            if ($currImg = getimagesize($mediapath)) {
                // if is image

                if (preg_match('(jpg|jpeg|png)', $currImg['mime'])) {
                    // if file format correct

                    $resizedFolder = 'images/resized/';

                    // calculate exact img dimensions for proper naming
                    $maxHeight = floor(($maxWidth/$currImg[0]) * $currImg[1]);

                    if (!file_exists($resizedFolder)) {
                        // create folder if it does not exist
                        mkdir($resizedFolder, 0777, true);

                    // create filename
                    $resizedExtension = '.'.pathinfo($mediapath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                    $resizedFilename = basename($mediapath, $resizedExtension).'@'.$maxWidth.'x'.$maxHeight.$resizedExtension;

                    if (file_exists($resizedFolder.$resizedFilename)) {
                        // if file already has been cached, just potput
                        return $resizedFolder.$resizedFilename;
                    } else {
                        // if not cached, resize to desired size

                        $image = new ImageResize($mediapath);
                        $image->resize($maxWidth, $maxHeight);

                        return $resizedFolder.$resizedFilename;

                } else {
                    $grav['debugger']->addMessage("File type of ".$mediapath." is not supported.");

            } else {
                $grav['debugger']->addMessage($mediapath." is not an image.");

        } else {
            $grav['debugger']->addMessage("File ".$mediapath." does not exist.");

    private function mergeConfig( Page $page ) {
        $defaults = (array) $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.resizer');
        if ( isset($page->header()->resizer) ) {
            $this->grav['config']->set('plugins.resizer', array_merge($defaults, $page->header()->resizer));

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