
时间:2017-11-02 13:46:19

标签: excel excel-vba vba


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    'The two workbooks to be involved
    Dim SourceWB As Workbook
    Dim DestinationWB As Workbook

'values to contain cell data to be copied across the worksheet
Dim systemName As Variant
Dim systemID As Variant
'Counter variable to allow for the loop
Dim counter As Integer

'Set the source workbook equal to the current workbook
Set SourceWB = ActiveWorkbook

For counter = 1 To 5

'Set the values for the two data values to be copied
     systemName = SourceWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(counter, 1).Value
     systemID = SourceWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(counter, 2).Value
'Open the destination Workbook
    Set DestinationWB = Workbooks.Open("Path to workbook")
'Set destination cells equal to the copied data from the source sheet
    DestinationWB.Sheets("Questionnaire").Cells(7, 3).Value = systemName
    DestinationWB.Sheets("Questionnaire").Cells(8, 3).Value = systemID
    'Set fname to save Destination Workbook
    Fname = "H:\Desktop\Automated Questionnaires to send\" & systemName & " Applicability Questionnaire.xlsm"
'Save the Destination workbook
    DestinationWB.SaveAs Filename:=Fname, FileFormat:=52
Next counter

End Sub

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