Unable to resolve dependency for ':client@release/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :iDPProxy.
Could not resolve project :iDPProxy.
Required by:
project :client
Project :client declares a dependency from configuration 'releaseCompile' to configuration 'release' which is not declared in the descriptor for project :iDPProxy.
releaseCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'release')
stagingCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'staging')
standaloneCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'standalone')
debugCopeCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'debug')
debugCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'debug')
我已经做了一些事情,但我不知道它是否正确。我在android studio 3.0中。在build.gradle中:
implementation project(':iDPProxy')
//releaseCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'release')
//stagingCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'staging')
//standaloneCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'standalone')
//debugCopeCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'debug')
//debugCompile project(path: ':iDPProxy', configuration: 'debug')
/* debugCope {
// DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: Make the agent print the debug logs.
// Make this false in production.
buildConfigField "boolean", "DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED", "true"
// ALLOW_SYSTEM_APPS_IN_APPS_LIST_RESPONSE: Setting this to true will make the
// App list response to the service to include system apps as well.
buildConfigField "boolean", "ALLOW_SYSTEM_APPS_IN_APPS_LIST_RESPONSE", "false"
// Protocol used to communicate with the server. Valid values are http:// or https://
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", "\"http://\""
buildConfigField "String", "API_SERVER_PORT", "\"80\""
//API version that supported by the server
buildConfigField "float", "SERVER_API_VERSION", "1.0f"
// Set DEFAULT_OWNERSHIP to null if no overriding is needed. Other possible values are,
// BYOD or COPE. If you are using the mutual SSL authentication
// This value must be set to a value other than null.
buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_OWNERSHIP", "\"COPE\""
//DEFAULT_HOST - Hardcode the server host to avoid having the user type it during
//enrollment. If the user must type the hostname/IP during enrollment, leave it as null.
buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_HOST", "null"
// APP_MANAGER_HOST: If the App store host is different from the DEFAULT_HOST
// change this value.
buildConfigField "String", "APP_MANAGER_HOST", "null"
// CLOUD_MANAGER: If the App is pointed to cloud use cloud management host to resolve
// tenants of user. Otherwise set this to null
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_MANAGER", "null"
// SIGN_UP_URL: Set self registration link to sign up
buildConfigField "String", "SIGN_UP_URL", "null"
// AGENT_PACKAGE: If a modification of the agent's package name is done, this must be
// altered
buildConfigField "String", "AGENT_PACKAGE", "\"org.wso2.iot.agent\""
// FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_RETRY_COUNT: How many time the agent must retry if firmware upgrade
// fails.
buildConfigField "int", "FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_RETRY_COUNT", "5"
// CATALOG_APP_PACKAGE_NAME: If a modification of the catalog apps's package
// name is done, this must be altered.
buildConfigField "String", "CATALOG_APP_PACKAGE_NAME", "\"org.wso2.app.catalog\""
// System service specific configurations.
// SYSTEM_APP_ENABLED: This is to set if the system app will also be installed.
// If this is set org.wso2.emm.system.service must also be available in the device.
buildConfigField "boolean", "SYSTEM_APP_ENABLED", "true"
// SYSTEM_SERVICE_PACKAGE: If system service app is in use, the package name of it is
// defined here so that the agent knows the package name of the system service to
// contact.
buildConfigField "String", "SYSTEM_SERVICE_PACKAGE", "\"org.wso2.iot.system.service\""
// HIDE_UNREGISTER_BUTTON: Hide the unregister button after enrollment so that the
// unenrollment can only be done remotely.
buildConfigField "boolean", "HIDE_UNREGISTER_BUTTON", "false"
// Auto enrollment specific configurations
// AUTO_ENROLLMENT_BACKGROUND_SERVICE_ENABLED: This is to specify if the enrollment
// will be done in a background service. This is typically related to mutual SSL based
// enrollments only.
buildConfigField "boolean", "AUTO_ENROLLMENT_BACKGROUND_SERVICE_ENABLED", "false"
// SKIP_LICENSE: Skip displaying the license policy during enrollment.
// This is recommended to be used in conjunction with
buildConfigField "boolean", "SKIP_LICENSE", "true"
// HIDE_LOGIN_UI: Skip displaying the login screen during enrollment.
// This is recommended to be used in conjunction with
buildConfigField "boolean", "HIDE_LOGIN_UI", "false"
// SKIP_WORK_PROFILE_CREATION: This will hide the work profile creation step from the
// user. This is recommended to be used in conjunction with
buildConfigField "boolean", "SKIP_WORK_PROFILE_CREATION", "true"
// HIDE_ERROR_DIALOG: If this is set to true, agent will not show any error messages.
// This is only recommended to use when the enrollment happens in background, and no
// user interaction is needed. i.e in conjunction with
buildConfigField "boolean", "HIDE_ERROR_DIALOG", "false"
//Data publishing related configurations.
// values. This specifies the log publisher to be used. This can be extended to write
// custom publishers.
buildConfigField "String", "LOG_PUBLISHER_IN_USE", "\"<SET_PUBLISHER>\""
// LOG_LEVEL: When publishing log cat output to server, the log level tobe used.
buildConfigField "String", "LOG_LEVEL", "\"*:W\""
// NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES: Number of log lines to be sent.
buildConfigField "int", "NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES", "500"
//Splunk related configurations
buildConfigField "String", "SPLUNK_API_KEY", "\"<SET_PUBLISHER>\""
// HEC_TOKEN: Allowed values are MINT or HTTP
buildConfigField "String", "SPLUNK_DATA_COLLECTOR_TYPE", "\"MINT\""
buildConfigField "String", "HEC_TOKEN", "\"<SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN>\""
//Event publishing related configurations.
// If set to true, registered events will be published to DAS. There are two event
// publisher available by default and custom event types can be written and publihed
// with the provided extension points.
buildConfigField "boolean", "EVENT_LISTENING_ENABLED", "false"
// Listening to application state changes such as an app getting installed, uninstalled,
// upgraded and data cleared. If set to true, events will be published.
buildConfigField "boolean", "APPLICATION_STATE_LISTENER", "false"
// This is to listen to Runtime information such as CPU. If set to true,
// events will be published.
buildConfigField "boolean", "RUNTIME_STATE_LISTENER", "false"
// The time the alarm should first go off, in milliseconds. The default value is 1000.
buildConfigField "long", "DEFAULT_START_TIME", "1000"
// The interval between subsequent repeats of the alarm, in milliseconds.
// The default value is 30000.
buildConfigField "long", "DEFAULT_INTERVAL", "30000"
buildConfigField "int", "DEFAULT_LISTENER_CODE", "10001"
// COSU related configurations.
// ALLOW_MULTIPLE_APPS_IN_COSU_MODE: Set to true to make all installed app in COSU mode
// accessible; if false only the last installation will be accessible.
buildConfigField "boolean", "ALLOW_MULTIPLE_APPS_IN_COSU_MODE", "false"
// By enabling this button, data wipe can be performed on a device without having to
// issue a remote wipe operation.
buildConfigField "boolean", "DISPLAY_WIPE_DEVICE_BUTTON", "true"
// Under COSU mode, this will enable an area in the screen to exit from screen pinned
// mode. This MUST be set to false in production, if COSU is used.
buildConfigField "boolean", "COSU_SECRET_EXIT", "false"
buildConfigField "String", "EULA_TITLE", "\"POLICY AGREEMENT\""
//Minimum Server API version that supported by the agent app
buildConfigField "float", "MIN_SERVER_API_VERSION", "1.0f"
//Maximum Server API version that supported by the agent app
buildConfigField "float", "MAX_SERVER_API_VERSION", "1.0f"
//Show notification to enable location if it is disabled
buildConfigField "boolean", "ASK_TO_ENABLE_LOCATION", "false"
//Publish location changes to server
buildConfigField "boolean", "LOCATION_PUBLISHING_ENABLED", "false"
//Collect WiFi scan results
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIFI_SCANNING_ENABLED", "true"
debuggable true
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
} */
Error:Execution failed for task ':client:packageDebug'.
Cannot create directory C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug\C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug\C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug
Error:Execution failed for task ':client:mockableAndroidJar'.
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.android.builder.utils.FileCache$FileCreatorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
-x :client:mockableAndroidJar -x :idPProxy:mockableAndroidJar
Error:Execution failed for task ':client:packageDebug'.
Cannot create directory C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug\C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug\C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\cdmf-agent-android-master\cdmf-agent-android-master\client\client\build\outputs\apk\debug
答案 0 :(得分:0)
实测值。实际上,似乎没有为Windows和android studio 3.0编写源代码。
此处的解决方案:Gradle 3.0 BuildException cannot create directory