A.child = B
B.getParent() //returns A
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Scala 没有管理此类关系的内置功能。</ p>
class A {
val child = new B(this)
// ...
class B(val parent: A) {
// ...
// Some possible actions:
val a = new A
val b = a.child
a == b.parent // Should be true
class A {
// ...
class B {
// ...
// Constructor is private to require construction through companion's factory method.
class Relationships private(private val parentToChild: Map[A, B], private val childToParent: Map[B, A]) {
// Return new relationship that adds relationship between child and parent instance.
// This particular approach assumes a one-to-one mapping (one child per parent).
// One-to-many (multiple children per parent) are possible by mapping the parent to a
// collection of children.
def relate(parent: A, child: B): Relationships = {
// Verify that neither parent nor child currently have relationships.
require(!parentToChild.contains(parent) && !childToParent.contains(child))
// Add the relationship, return new relationships instance.
val newParentToChild = parentToChild + (parent -> child)
val newChildToParent = childToParent + (child -> parent)
new Relationships(newParentToChild, newChildToParent)
// Lookup child of particular parent. Return None if no child found, Some(child) otherwise.
def childOf(parent: A): Option[B] = parentToChild.get(parent)
// Lookup parent of particular child. Return None if no parent found, Some(parent) otherwise.
def parentOf(child: B): Option[A] = childToParent.get(child)
// Companion.
object Relationships {
// Create initial relationship instance with no relationships.
def apply() = new Relationships(Map.empty[A, B], Map.empty[B, A])
// Sample use:
val a = new A
val b = new B
val tracker = Relationships().relate(a, b)
tracker.childOf(a) // Should return Some(b).
tracker.parentOf(b) // Should return Some(a).
答案 1 :(得分:0)
一种解决方案是使用按名称参数和lazy val
class TreeNode[E](l: => Option[TreeNode[E]], value: E, r: => Option[TreeNode[E]], p: => Option[TreeNode[E]]) {
lazy val left: Option[TreeNode[E]] = l
lazy val right: Option[TreeNode[E]] = r
lazy val parent: Option[TreeNode[E]] = p
// must explicitly define the types for left and right!
val left: TreeNode[Int] = new TreeNode(None, 6, None, Some(root))
val right: TreeNode[Int] = new TreeNode(None, 15, None, Some(root))
val root = new TreeNode(Some(left), 10, Some(right), None)
请注意,case classes中不允许使用按名称参数。