Java - 在循环中读取多字符行的第一个字母。

时间:2017-11-01 22:07:36

标签: java






我不必担心这个程序的巧克力棒的价格。我坚持的部分是用户的输入必须能够是一个字符,一个字或几个字长,并且第一个字母是作为用户读取的内容。响应。因此,例如,如果用户输入"是,我做"然后输入读数为“' Y'


线程中的异常" main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException:字符串索引超出范围:0     at java.lang.String.charAt(     在ChocolateCoupons.main(


import java.util.Scanner;

public class ChocolateCoupons 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        //Number of coupons that can be traded for one free chocolate
        final int COUPONS_PER_CHOCOLATE = 7;

        //So that the scanner reads only the first letter when user inputs a string
        final int START_OF_INPUT = 0;

        //Number of coupons the user has and how many chocolates to purchase.
        int couponCount = 0, purchase;

        //Choices whether to continue running the program
        //and whether to trades coupons for chocolates.
        char run = 'P', freeChocolate = 'N';

        //If true, all remaining portions of the main loop will be ignored. 
        //Resets to false at the end of every loop
        boolean end = false; 

        //Scans user input
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

        while(run != 'S' && run != 's')
            //Asks user whether to shut down or process a transaction
            System.out.println("  P (process Purchase)");
            System.out.println("  S (Shut down)");
            System.out.print("  Your choice: ");

            //User's choice
            run = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(START_OF_INPUT);

            //Checks for invalid input. Ends iteration of loop if input is invalid
            if(run != 'p' && run != 'P' && run != 's' && run != 'S')
              System.out.println("Invalid input!");
              end = true;

            //Ends loop if user selects shutdown
            if(run == 's' || run == 'S')
                end = true;

            //Check if customer qualifies for free chocolate
            if(couponCount >= COUPONS_PER_CHOCOLATE && end != true)
                //Choose whether to claim free chocolate or not
                System.out.println("Use credits to claim free chocolate bar? (Y or N)");
                freeChocolate =;

                //Subtracts coupons if user chooses yes. Ends iterations of loop if yes.
                if(freeChocolate == 'Y' || freeChocolate == 'y')
                    System.out.println("Enjoy your free chocolate!");
                    end = true;
                    couponCount -= COUPONS_PER_CHOCOLATE;

                    //Displays new amount of coupons held by user
                    System.out.println("You used " + COUPONS_PER_CHOCOLATE
                      + " coupons and have " + couponCount + " left.");

                //Continues program if user selects no
                else if(freeChocolate == 'N' || freeChocolate == 'n');

                //Checks for invalid input. Ends iteration of loop if Y or N are not input.
                    System.out.println("Invalid response!");
                    end = true;

            if(end != true)
                //How many chocolates to buy. Gives coupons equal to number of chocolates
                System.out.println("How many chocolate bars will you purchase?");
                purchase = keyboard.nextInt();

                //Checks for invalid input
                if(purchase >= 0)
                    couponCount += purchase;
                    System.out.println(" You earned " + purchase + " coupons. You now have a total of " + couponCount + " coupons.");
                    System.out.println("You can't purchase negative chocolate bars!");
            end = false;
        System.out.println("Thank you, and goodbye!");


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