
时间:2017-11-01 21:14:33

标签: powershell certificate


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关于下一个问题,让脚本运行。从Get-Help about_Execution_Policies AllSigned政策:

 - Scripts can run.

 - Requires that all scripts and configuration files
   be signed by a trusted publisher, including scripts
   that you write on the local computer.

我们在这里有几个选择。我们可以信任我们在更高级别创建的证书(通过将其添加到受信任的商店),我们可以使用来自根CA的不同证书,也可以在更高级别受信任,最后,我们可以使用不同的ExecutionPolicy。同样来自Get-Help about_Execution_Policies您可能想尝试使用“RemoteSigned”,因为这将允许您运行您在自己的计算机上编写的自签名脚本,以及从Internet下载的可信脚本:

      - Scripts can run. This is the default execution
        policy in Windows Server 2012 R2.

      - Requires a digital signature from a trusted
        publisher on scripts and configuration files that
        are downloaded from the Internet (including
        e-mail and instant messaging programs).

    - Does not require digital signatures on scripts that
        you have written on the local computer (not
        downloaded from the Internet).

      - Runs scripts that are downloaded from the Internet
        and not signed, if the scripts are unblocked, such
        as by using the Unblock-File cmdlet.

      - Risks running unsigned scripts from sources other
        than the Internet and signed, but malicious, scripts.