Excel VBA - 我的代码本身运行良好,但在更大的代码中,没有

时间:2017-11-01 20:47:52

标签: excel vba do-loops


'MACHINENAME (if it is written in the description.)
Dim Keywords As Variant
Dim MachineNames As Variant

Keywords = Array("Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA ", "FA 1", "FA1", "FA 2", "FA2", "FA 3", "FA3", "FA 4", "FA4", "FA 5", "FA5", "FA 6", "FA6", "FA 7", "FA7", "FA 8", "FA8", "FA 9", "FA9", "FA 10", "FA10", "FA 11", "FA11", "FA 12", "FA12", "Sta120", "Sta95", "Sta90C", "Sta 120", "Sta 95", "Sta 90C", "St120", "St95", "St90C", "St 120", "St 95", "St 90C", "Flex Arc", "Flex Arch", _
    "Hammond", "Acme", "Polish", "SAM", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Mark", "Vin Stamp", "Telesis", "Pinstamp", "Pin stamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E Coat", "Ecoat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line1", "Line 2", "Line2", "Line 3", "Line3", "Line 4", "Line4", "Line 5", "Line5", "Line 6", "Line6", _
    "Sta100", "Sta30", "Sta150", "Sta 100", "Sta 30", "Sta 150", "St100", "St30", "St150", "St 100", "St 30", "St 150", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser1", "Laser 2", "Laser2", "Laser 3", "Laser3", "Laser 4", "Laser4", "Laser 5", "Laser5", "Laser 6", "Laser6", "Laser Seamer", "Laser Seam", "Laser Seemer", "Vin Laser", "Monode", "Sub", _
    "Tip", "Tip Change", "Press ", "Swingarm Press", "Swing arm Press", "Bearing Press", "Medallion Press", "Footboard Press", "AIDA", "AIDA Press", "Cushion", "Press 1", "Press1", "Press 2", "Press2", "Press 3", "Press3", "Press 4", "Press4")

MachineNames = Array("Robot", "Robot 1", "Robot 2", "Robot 3", "Robot 4", "Robot 5", "Robot 6", "FA", "FA 1", "FA 1", "FA 2", "FA 2", "FA 3", "FA 3", "FA 4", "FA 4", "FA 5", "FA 5", "FA 6", "FA 6", "FA 7", "FA 7", "FA 8", "FA 8", "FA 9", "FA 9", "FA 10", "FA 10", "FA 11", "FA 11", "FA 12", "FA 12", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA 4", "FA 3", "FA 10", "FA", "FA", _
    "Polish (Hammond)", "Polish (Acme)", "Polish", "SAM", "Tank", "Fender", "Welder", "Balance", "PICO", "Gravity", "Vin Stamp", "Vin Stamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Pinstamp", "Buff", "Wet", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "E-Coat", "Carrier", "Line", "Line 1", "Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 2", "Line 3", "Line 3", "Line 4", "Line 4", "Line 5", "Line 5", "Line 6", "Line 6", _
    "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser", "Laser 1", "Laser 1", "Laser 2", "Laser 2", "Laser 3", "Laser 3", "Laser 4", "Laser 4", "Laser 5", "Laser 5", "Laser 6", "Laser 6", _
    "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Seamer)", "Laser (Vin)", "Laser (Monode)", "Sub", "Tip", "Tip", "Press", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Swingarm)", "Press (Bearing)", "Press (Medallion)", "Press (Footboard)", "Press (AIDA)", "Press (AIDA)", "Press", "Press 1", "Press 1", "Press 2", "Press 2", "Press 3", "Press 3", "Press 4", "Press 4")

Range("A2").activate 'the cell to look in for the keyword

Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10) <> "" 'the cell we are placing the found MachineName Value in (or blank if none are found.) We will eventually hit previous data, so it will stop if this cell is not blank.
    For i = 0 To UBound(Keywords)
                    Set C = ActiveCell.Find(Keywords(i), LookIn:=xlValues)
            If Not C Is Nothing Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = MachineNames(i) 
    Next i
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).activate

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





将book1替换为您的文件名,将Sheet1替换为您的工作表。 我的假设是Range(“A2”)。激活激活其他表上的A2,但除非看到整个代码,否则无法确定。 希望有所帮助;)