我有一个amChart图表,数据来自它下面的两个表格(代码被修改from this SO answer)。每个表格中的每个类别都以不同的前缀开头:第一个表格以(销售额)开头,第二个表格以(市场)开头。
function generateGraphsFromData(chart, chartData) {
//get the chart graph value fields as lookup table with a seen property set to false by default
//this will be used to determine what graphs need to be removed when looking at the data
var graphValueFields = chart.graphs.reduce(function(valueFields, graph) {
valueFields[graph.valueField] = 0;
return valueFields;
}, {});
var removeValueFields = [];
//create an array of new graph value fields by filtering out the categoryField
//and the currently known valueFields.
var newGraphValueFields = [];
Object.keys(chartData[0]).filter(function(key) {
return key != chart.categoryField;
}).forEach(function(valueField) {
//if this is a new graph, add it to the list
if (graphValueFields[valueField] === undefined) {
} else {
//otherwise, set the seen flag to 1
graphValueFields[valueField] = 1;
//for each new value field left over, create a graph object and add to the chart.
newGraphValueFields.forEach(function(valueField) {
var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
graph.title = valueField;
graph.valueField = valueField;
graph.balloonText = "<strong>[[title]]</strong><br /> Rp[[value]]";
graph.id = valueField; //use the valueField as the ID for ease of removal
graph.type = 'column';
graph.lineAlpha = 0;
graph.fillAlphas = 0.5;
graph.bullet = "none";
graph.stackable = true; // disable stacking
//loop through the graphValueFields lookup table and remove all graphs that were not seen when
//rescanning the data
Object.keys(graphValueFields).forEach(function(removeGraphValueField) {
if (graphValueFields[removeGraphValueField] === 0) {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
chart.graphs.sort(function(lhs, rhs) {
//sort by title, ensures that the sales (first table) data comes first
var lhsSalesIdx = lhs.title.indexOf('(Sales)');
var rhsSalesIdx = rhs.title.indexOf('(Sales)');
if (lhsSalesIdx !== -1 && rhsSalesIdx === -1) {
return -1;
else if (lhsSalesIdx === -1 && rhsSalesIdx !== -1) {
return 1;
else {
return lhs.title.localeCompare(rhs.title);
var stackSet = false;
//find the first instance of the market row graph and set its newStack property to true
//while clearing out the others
for (var i = 0; i < chart.graphs.length; ++i) {
if (!stackSet && chart.graphs[i].title.indexOf('(Sales)') === -1) {
chart.graphs[i].newStack = true;
stackSet = true;
else {
chart.graphs[i].newStack = false;
Updated fiddle - 请注意,我在新的图形循环中将stackable