private void buttonBirthdaysNext2Weeks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int days = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;
string caption = string.Format("Birthdays in next {0} days", days);
string message = birthdays.UpComingBirthdays(days);
if (message == "")
message = "No birthdays found!";
MessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
public string UpComingBirthdays(int days)
string names = "";
foreach (Person person in people)
if (person.HowManyDaysTillBirthday() <= 14)
int number = person.HowManyDaysTillBirthday();
// Debug.print(int days2 = HowManDaysTillBirthday(););
if (names != "")
names = names + Environment.NewLine; // Each person name and details will be printed on new line
names = names + person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.DateOfBirth(); //all these details (first, last and dob) will be printed/given to names string
return names;
public void comboBoxMonthsInTheYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int monthWanted = int.Parse(comboBoxMonthsInTheYear.SelectedItem.ToString());
string caption = string.Format("Birthdays in monthWanted", monthWanted);
string message = birthdays.birthdaysInMonth(monthWanted);
public string birthdaysInMonth(int monthWanted)
string names = "";
foreach (Person person in people)
if (person.MonthBorn == monthWanted)
if (names != "")
names = names + Environment.NewLine; // Each person name and details will be printed on new line
names = names + person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.DateOfBirth(); //all these details (first, last and dob) will be printed/given to names string
return names;