这段代码应该适用于linux,有没有办法让它在终端上运行而不修改它? 这是一个课程作业,大多数学生使用Linux
.section .rodata #read only data section
str: .string "Hello World!\n"
.text #the beginnig of the code
.globl main #the label "main" is used to state the initial point of
this program
.type main, @function # the label "main" representing the beginning
of a function
main: # the main function:
pushq %rbp #save the old frame pointer
movq %rsp, %rbp #create the new frame pointer
movq $str,%rdi #the string is the only paramter passed to the
printf function (remember- first parameter goes in %rdi).
movq $0,%rax
call printf #calling to printf AFTER we passed its parameters.
#return from printf:
movq $0, %rax #return value is zero (just like in c - we tell the
OS that this program finished seccessfully)
movq %rbp, %rsp #restore the old stack pointer - release all used
popq %rbp #restore old frame pointer (the caller function
ret #return to caller function (OS)