template <class T>
void binSTree<T>::remove(Node <T>* p, const T& v)
// Find the item
bool found = false;
Node<T>* predecessor = nullptr;
Node<T>* current = n;
while (current != nullptr)
if (current->data == item)
found = true;
predecessor = current;
if (item > (current->data))
current = current->right;
current = current->left;
if (!found)
// CASE 1: Removing a node with a single child
if ((current->left == nullptr && current->right != nullptr) || (current-
>left != nullptr && current->right == nullptr))
// Right Leaf Present, No Left Leaf
if (current->left == nullptr && current->right != nullptr)
// If predecessor's left tree equals Node n
if (predecessor->left == current)
// then predecessor's left tree becomes n's right tree
// and delete n
predecessor->left = current->right;
delete current;
current = nullptr;
// If predecessor's right tree equals Node n
// then predecessor's right tree becomes n's right tree
way down left to locate smallest element
if ((current->right)->left != nullptr)
Node<T>* leftCurrent;
Node<T>* leftCurrentPred;
leftCurrentPred = current->right;
leftCurrent = (current->right)->left;
while (leftCurrent->left != nullptr)
leftCurrentPred = leftCurrent;
leftCurrent = leftCurrent->left;
current->data = leftCurrent->data;
delete leftCurrent;
leftCurrentPred->left == nullptr;
Node<T>* temp = current->right;
current->data = temp->data;
current->right = temp->right;
delete temp;
1 36 104 159 183 184 198 219 220 241 287 294 304 356 369 378 380 387 394 395
418 464 491 516 521 525 582 583 623 641 648 653 667 692 702 703 724 729 743 765
796 802 887 897 901 909 969 971 979 992
1 36 104 159 183 198 219 220 241 294 304 356 369 378 387 394 395 418 464 491
516 525 582 583 623 641 648 653 692 702 703 724 729 765 796 802 887 897 909 969
971 992
1 36 104 159 183 198 219 220 241 294 304 356 369 378 387 394 395 418 464 491
516 525 0 582 583 623 641 648 653 692 702 703 724 729 765 796 802 887 897 909
969 971 992